The following is an automatically generated reference for using VBScript with The Scrolling Game Development Kit. The source code for the generator is included with the GameDev source code package in the TLBHelp directory (it's a VB Program). Because it is automatically generated from the type library of GameDev.exe, the information is very basic, and may not be complete enough to be useful in some cases. Furthermore, this document is intended only as a reference for someone who knows what he or she is doing at a high level. For a more basic understanding of how to write scripts, see the Scripting Docutorial, the end of the complete GameDev tutorial and the sample scripts included with the install.
It is helpful to understand the following conventions in the syntax columns below:
Name | Type | Description | Syntax |
BaseTile | Byte | The tile value to become animated | [Let] MyByte = oAnimDef.BaseTile [Let] oAnimDef.BaseTile = MyByte |
CurTile | Byte | Returns the tile index associated with the current frame | [Let] MyByte = oAnimDef.CurTile |
FrameDelay | Byte | How many screen updates will a particular cell be displayed. | [Let] MyByte = oAnimDef.FrameDelay(Index Integer) [Let] oAnimDef.FrameDelay(Index Integer) = MyByte |
FrameValue | Byte | Index of the tile to be displayed in a particular animation cell. | [Let] MyByte = oAnimDef.FrameValue(Index Integer) [Let] oAnimDef.FrameValue(Index Integer) = MyByte |
LayerName | String | Name of the layer to which the animation applies | [Let] MyString = oAnimDef.LayerName [Let] oAnimDef.LayerName = MyString |
MapName | String | Name of the map to which the animated tile applies | [Let] MyString = oAnimDef.MapName [Let] oAnimDef.MapName = MyString |
Name | String | Name of the AnimDef object as indexed by the project | [Let] MyString = oAnimDef.Name [Let] oAnimDef.Name = MyString |
Name | Return | Description | Syntax |
Advance | Advance this animation by one timer frame (may result in same display frame for delay above 1). | oAnimDef.Advance | |
Clone | AnimDef | Create a copy of the AnimDef | Set My_AnimDef = oAnimDef.Clone |
CopyFrom | Acts as an assignment operator | oAnimDef.CopyFrom(Def AnimDef) | |
Deserialize | Convert AnimDef text from the project file into an AnimDef object | oAnimDef.Deserialize(Data String) | |
FrameCount | Integer | The number of animation cells | [Let] MyInteger = oAnimDef.FrameCount |
InsertFrame | Insert a new frame (cell) into the animation sequence before BeforeIndex. | oAnimDef.InsertFrame(BeforeIndex Integer, Value Byte, Delay Byte) | |
RemoveFrame | Remove a frame (cell) from the animation sequence, shifting subsequent frames and delays back. | oAnimDef.RemoveFrame(Index Integer) | |
Reset | Reset the current frame to the beginning of the animation. | oAnimDef.Reset | |
Serialize | String | Return the contents of the AnimDef object as text that can be put into the project file. | [Let] MyString = oAnimDef.Serialize |
Name | Type | Description | Syntax |
Group | TileGroup | The group of tiles indexes that make up this named category of tileset tiles. | Set My_TileGroup = oCategory.Group Set oCategory.Group = My_TileGroup |
Name | String | Name for this category as indexed by the project for a particular tileset. | [Let] MyString = oCategory.Name [Let] oCategory.Name = MyString |
TSName | String | Name of the tileset whose tiles are being categorized. | [Let] MyString = oCategory.TSName [Let] oCategory.TSName = MyString |
Name | Return | Description | Syntax |
Deserialize | Convert text from the project file into a Category object. | oCategory.Deserialize(Data String) | |
GetIndex | Integer | Find the ordinal position of this Category as indexed by Project.GroupByIndex. | [Let] MyInteger = oCategory.GetIndex |
GetIndexByTileset | Integer | Find the ordinal position of this category as indexed by Project.TilesetGroupByIndex. | [Let] MyInteger = oCategory.GetIndexByTileset(TSName String) |
Serialize | String | Return the contents of the Category as a string for the project file. | [Let] MyString = oCategory.Serialize |
Name | Type | Description | Syntax |
ClassA | Integer | Number 0 to 15 indicating the collision class of the first part. | [Let] MyInteger = oCollisionDef.ClassA [Let] oCollisionDef.ClassA = MyInteger |
ClassB | Integer | Number 0 to 15 indicating the collision class of the second part. | [Let] MyInteger = oCollisionDef.ClassB [Let] oCollisionDef.ClassB = MyInteger |
Flags | Byte | How to react to the collision (see eCollisionFlags). | [Let] MyByte = oCollisionDef.Flags [Let] oCollisionDef.Flags = MyByte |
InvFlags | Byte | Indicates how the collision relates to inventory (see eCollInvFlags). | [Let] MyByte = oCollisionDef.InvFlags [Let] oCollisionDef.InvFlags = MyByte |
InvItem | Byte | Which inventory item is related to the collision | [Let] MyByte = oCollisionDef.InvItem [Let] oCollisionDef.InvItem = MyByte |
InvUseCount | Integer | How many inventory items are required to alter the collisions effect. | [Let] MyInteger = oCollisionDef.InvUseCount [Let] oCollisionDef.InvUseCount = MyInteger |
Media | String | Name of media clip to play on collision | [Let] MyString = oCollisionDef.Media [Let] oCollisionDef.Media = MyString |
SpecialFunction | String | Indicates a special function to execute when the collision occurs. | [Let] MyString = oCollisionDef.SpecialFunction [Let] oCollisionDef.SpecialFunction = MyString |
Name | Return | Description | Syntax |
Load | Reads data from a binary file to construct a CollisionDef. | oCollisionDef.Load(FNum Integer) | |
Save | Writes the CollisionDef to a binary file. | oCollisionDef.Save(FNum Integer) |
Name | Value |
Name | Value |
Name | Value |
COLL_ANEW | 16 |
COLL_BNEW | 128 |
Name | Value |
Name | Value |
Name | Type | Description | Syntax |
CurrentDisplay | Object | Returns the global reference to the current full screen display object if it is open. | [Let] MyObject = oEngine.CurrentDisplay |
GameDevForm | Object | Returns a form object from GameDev's user interface. | [Let] MyObject = oEngine.GameDevForm(Name String) |
HostObj | ScriptHost | Return the GameDev global scripting host object. | Set My_ScriptHost = oEngine.HostObj |
ProjectObj | GameProject | Return the GameDev global project object. | Set My_GameProject = oEngine.ProjectObj |
Name | Return | Description | Syntax |
GetGameDevObj | Object | Return an object based on the name given as a string. | [Let] MyObject = oEngine.GetGameDevObj(ObjName String) |
NewAnimDef | AnimDef | Create a new AnimDef in the current instance of GameDev and return it. | Set My_AnimDef = oEngine.NewAnimDef |
NewCollisionDef | CollisionDef | Create a new CollisionDef in the current instance of GameDev and return it. | Set My_CollisionDef = oEngine.NewCollisionDef |
NewGameDevObj | Object | Create a new object in the current instance of GameDev, given the type name as a string, and return it. | [Let] MyObject = oEngine.NewGameDevObj(ObjType String) |
NewInteraction | Interaction | Create a new Interaction in the current instance of GameDev and return it. | Set My_Interaction = oEngine.NewInteraction |
NewMap | Map | Create a new Map in the current instance of GameDev and return it. | Set My_Map = oEngine.NewMap |
NewMapEdit | MapEdit | Create a new MapEdit in the current instance of GameDev and return it. | Set My_MapEdit = oEngine.NewMapEdit |
NewMapInteract | MapInteract | Create a new MapInteract in the current instance of GameDev and return it. | Set My_MapInteract = oEngine.NewMapInteract |
NewMatchDef | MatchDef | Create a new MatchDef in the current instance of GameDev and return it. | Set My_MatchDef = oEngine.NewMatchDef |
NewPath | Path | Create a new Path in the current instance of GameDev and return it. | Set My_Path = oEngine.NewPath |
NewPlayer | Variant | Create a new Player object in the current instance of GameDev and return it. | [Let] MyVariant = oEngine.NewPlayer |
NewSpecialFunction | SpecialFunction | Create a new SpecialFunction in the current instance of GameDev and return it. | Set My_SpecialFunction = oEngine.NewSpecialFunction |
NewSprite | Sprite | Create a new Sprite in the current instance of GameDev and return it. | Set My_Sprite = oEngine.NewSprite |
NewSpriteDef | SpriteDef | Create a new SpriteDef in the current instance of GameDev and return it. | Set My_SpriteDef = oEngine.NewSpriteDef |
NewSpriteTemplate | SpriteTemplate | Create a new SpriteTemplate in the current instance of GameDev and return it. | Set My_SpriteTemplate = oEngine.NewSpriteTemplate |
NewTileEdit | TileEdit | Create a new TileEdit in the current instance of GameDev and return it. | Set My_TileEdit = oEngine.NewTileEdit |
NewTileGroup | TileGroup | Create a new TileGroup in the current instance of GameDev and return it. | Set My_TileGroup = oEngine.NewTileGroup |
NewTileMatch | Variant | Create a new TileMatch in the current instance of GameDev and return it. | [Let] MyVariant = oEngine.NewTileMatch |
Name | Value |
Name | Value |
Name | Type | Description | Syntax |
AnimDefCount | Integer | Return the number of AnimDefs in the project | [Let] MyInteger = oGameProject.AnimDefCount |
AnimDefExists | Boolean | Return True if an AnimDef with the specified Name or ordinal index exists in the project. | [Let] MyBoolean = oGameProject.AnimDefExists(Key Variant) |
AnimDefs | AnimDef | Return an AnimDef based on its name or 0-based index in the project. | Set My_AnimDef = oGameProject.AnimDefs(Key Variant) |
bSplashShowing | Boolean | Returns True if the spash screen is still showing from initial startup. | [Let] MyBoolean = oGameProject.bSplashShowing [Let] oGameProject.bSplashShowing = MyBoolean |
FileVer | Single | File format version of the GDP file when it was loaded. | [Let] MySingle = oGameProject.FileVer [Let] oGameProject.FileVer = MySingle |
GamePlayer | Player | Returns the single Player object for the project. | Set My_Player = oGameProject.GamePlayer Set oGameProject.GamePlayer = My_Player |
IsDirty | Boolean | Returns True if the project data (strictly that stored in the GDP) has changed. | [Let] MyBoolean = oGameProject.IsDirty [Let] oGameProject.IsDirty = MyBoolean |
LoadingScreen | String | Relative path to the graphic that appears on the loading screen. Empty string for no loading screen. | [Let] MyString = oGameProject.LoadingScreen [Let] oGameProject.LoadingScreen = MyString |
MapCount | Integer | Return the number of Map objects in the project. | [Let] MyInteger = oGameProject.MapCount |
MapExists | Boolean | Return True if a map by the specified name or ordinal index exists. | [Let] MyBoolean = oGameProject.MapExists(Key Variant) |
Maps | Map | Return a map given its name or ordinal index in the project. | Set My_Map = oGameProject.Maps(Key Variant) |
MatchDefCount | Integer | Return the number of MatchDef objects in the project. | [Let] MyInteger = oGameProject.MatchDefCount |
MatchDefs | MatchDef | Return a MatchDef object given its name or ordinal index in the project. | Set My_MatchDef = oGameProject.MatchDefs(Key Variant) |
MediaMgr | MediaManager | Return the single MediaManager object for the current project. | Set My_MediaManager = oGameProject.MediaMgr Set oGameProject.MediaMgr = My_MediaManager |
ProjectPath | String | Return or set the path to the GDP plain text project file. | [Let] MyString = oGameProject.ProjectPath [Let] oGameProject.ProjectPath = MyString |
TileSetDef | TileSetDef | Return a TileSetDef given its name or ordinal index in the project. | Set My_TileSetDef = oGameProject.TileSetDef(Key Variant) |
TileSetDefCount | Integer | Return the number of TileSetDef objects in the project. | [Let] MyInteger = oGameProject.TileSetDefCount |
Name | Return | Description | Syntax |
AddAnim | Add a new AnimDef to the project. | oGameProject.AddAnim(A AnimDef) | |
AddGroup | Category | Add a new Category to the project. | Set My_Category = oGameProject.AddGroup(GroupName String, TilesetName String) |
AddMap | Add a new Map to the project | oGameProject.AddMap(M Map) | |
AddMatch | Add a new MatchDef to the project | oGameProject.AddMatch(M MatchDef) | |
AddSolidDef | SolidDef | Add a new SolidDef to the project. | Set My_SolidDef = oGameProject.AddSolidDef(SolidDefName String, TilesetName String) |
AddTileSet | TileSetDef | Add a new TileSetDef to the project. | Set My_TileSetDef = oGameProject.AddTileSet(ImagePath String, TileWidth Integer, TileHeight Integer, Name String) |
DeleteSave | Delete the save game data in save slot by the specified name (created by SaveRuntime). | oGameProject.DeleteSave(strSaveName Variant) | |
ExportXML | String | Export project and map data into an XML string (no images or multimedia) | [Let] MyString = oGameProject.ExportXML |
GetApplicableTileMatch | MatchDef | Find and return the Nth MatchDef for the specified tileset where N=Index. | Set My_MatchDef = oGameProject.GetApplicableTileMatch(TSDef TileSetDef, Index Integer) |
GetApplicableTileMatchCount | Integer | Return the number of MatchDef objects that apply to the specified tileset. | [Let] MyInteger = oGameProject.GetApplicableTileMatchCount(TSDef TileSetDef) |
GroupByIndex | Category | Return a Category object by ordinal position in the list of all Category objects in the project. | Set My_Category = oGameProject.GroupByIndex(Index Integer) |
GroupByTilesetCount | Integer | Return the number of Category objects in the project for the specified tileset name. | [Let] MyInteger = oGameProject.GroupByTilesetCount(TileSetKey String) |
GroupCount | Integer | Return the total number of Category objects in the project. | [Let] MyInteger = oGameProject.GroupCount |
GroupExists | Boolean | Return True if a Category by the specified name exists for the specified tileset. | [Let] MyBoolean = oGameProject.GroupExists(GroupName String, TilesetName String) |
Groups | Category | Returns the Category object by the specified name for the specified tileset. | Set My_Category = oGameProject.Groups(GroupName String, TilesetName String) |
ImportXML | Boolean | Import project and map data from XML string generated by ExportXML | [Let] MyBoolean = oGameProject.ImportXML(strXML String) |
Load | Load a GDP plain text project file and all dependent map files into memory. | oGameProject.Load(FileName String) | |
LoadRuntime | Load a saved running game state. | oGameProject.LoadRuntime(strLoadName String) | |
RemoveAnim | Remove an AnimDef given its name or ordinal position in the project. | oGameProject.RemoveAnim(Key Variant) | |
RemoveGroup | Remove a Category from the project given its name and Tileset name. | oGameProject.RemoveGroup(GroupName String, TilesetName String) | |
RemoveMap | Remove a Map given its name or ordinal position in the project. | oGameProject.RemoveMap(Key Variant) | |
RemoveMatch | Remove a MatchDef given its name or ordinal position in the project. | oGameProject.RemoveMatch(Key Variant) | |
RemoveSolidDef | Remove a SolidDef from the project given a reference to it. | oGameProject.RemoveSolidDef(Item SolidDef) | |
RemoveTileSet | Remove a TileSetDef given its name or ordinal position in the project. | oGameProject.RemoveTileSet(Key Variant) | |
Save | Save the project to a plain text file, and all dependent maps and tileset images to their respective files. | oGameProject.Save(FileName String) | |
SaveRuntime | Save the current state of the running game to a specified name. | oGameProject.SaveRuntime(strSaveName String) | |
SetLoadingStatus | This is called during the project load process to update the apearance of the loading screen. | oGameProject.SetLoadingStatus(strStatus String[, TotalPercent Integer]) | |
SolidDefByTilesetCount | Integer | Return the number of SolidDefs for the specified Tileset. | [Let] MyInteger = oGameProject.SolidDefByTilesetCount(TilesetName String) |
SolidDefCount | Integer | Return the total number of SolidDef objects in the project. | [Let] MyInteger = oGameProject.SolidDefCount |
SolidDefExists | Boolean | Return true if the specified SolidDef exists for the named tileset. | [Let] MyBoolean = oGameProject.SolidDefExists(SolidDefName String, TilesetName String) |
SolidDefIndexByTileset | Integer | Return the Nth SolidDef object for the named tileset where N=Index. | [Let] MyInteger = oGameProject.SolidDefIndexByTileset(TilesetName String, Index Integer) |
SolidDefs | SolidDef | Return the named SolidDef object for the specified TileSetDef. | Set My_SolidDef = oGameProject.SolidDefs(SolidDefName String, TilesetName String) |
SolidDefsByIndex | SolidDef | Return a SolidDef object based on its ordinal index of all SolidDefs in the project. | Set My_SolidDef = oGameProject.SolidDefsByIndex(Index Integer) |
TilesetGroupByIndex | Category | Find and return the Nth Category for the specified TileSetDef where N=Index. | Set My_Category = oGameProject.TilesetGroupByIndex(TileSetKey String, Index Integer) |
TriggerEditMap | Raises the OnEditMap event. | oGameProject.TriggerEditMap(Mp MapEdit) | |
TriggerGeneric | Raises the GenericEvent event. | oGameProject.TriggerGeneric(Data Variant) | |
TriggerTileEdit | Raises the OnEditTileset event. | oGameProject.TriggerTileEdit(TE TileEdit) | |
Validate | String | Returns an empty string if the project looks valid, otherwise a string describing errors (ie. missing sprite states). | [Let] MyString = oGameProject.Validate |
WaitForSplash | Wait for the splash screen to disappear, then return. | oGameProject.WaitForSplash |
Name | Description | Syntax |
GenericEvent | For future expansion or extensibility (see TriggerGeneric method). | Sub oGameProject_GenericEvent(Data Variant) |
OnEditMap | Event raised when the map editor is displayed (see also TriggerEditMap). | Sub oGameProject_OnEditMap(Mp MapEdit) |
OnEditTileset | Event raised when tileset editor starts (see also TriggerTileEdit). | Sub oGameProject_OnEditTileset(TE TileEdit) |
Name | Type | Description | Syntax |
ActivateFunction | String | Name of the function to be activated by this tile interaction (shared with Media property; same value). | [Let] MyString = oInteraction.ActivateFunction [Let] oInteraction.ActivateFunction = MyString |
Flags | Integer | Contains a set of InteractionFlags that control aspects of the interaction (see InteractionFlags enum). | [Let] MyInteger = oInteraction.Flags [Let] oInteraction.Flags = MyInteger |
InvItem | Byte | The inventory item involved in this interaction. | [Let] MyByte = oInteraction.InvItem [Let] oInteraction.InvItem = MyByte |
Media | String | Name of media clip to play on tile interaction (shared with ActivateFunction property; same value). | [Let] MyString = oInteraction.Media [Let] oInteraction.Media = MyString |
Quantity | Integer | The inventory quantity affected by this tile interaction. | [Let] MyInteger = oInteraction.Quantity [Let] oInteraction.Quantity = MyInteger |
Reaction | Enum TileReactions | How the inventory interacts with this event (see TileReactions enum). | [Let] MyTileReactions = oInteraction.Reaction [Let] oInteraction.Reaction = MyTileReactions |
ReplaceTile | Byte | The new tile index that will appear on the map layer after this interaction. | [Let] MyByte = oInteraction.ReplaceTile [Let] oInteraction.ReplaceTile = MyByte |
TouchCategory | Category | Which tiles trigger this interaction when touched. | Set My_Category = oInteraction.TouchCategory Set oInteraction.TouchCategory = My_Category |
Name | Return | Description | Syntax |
Load | Load an Interaction from a binary file. | oInteraction.Load(nFileNum Integer) | |
Save | String | Write the Interaction object to a binary file. | [Let] MyString = oInteraction.Save(nFileNum Integer) |
Name | Value |
Name | Value |
Name | Type | Description | Syntax |
ClsMbrCnt | Integer | How many sprites are in a collision class (for collision optimization). Set by Map.AdvanceSprites. | [Let] oLayer.ClsMbrCnt(Index Integer) = MyInteger [Let] MyInteger = oLayer.ClsMbrCnt(Index Integer) |
Columns | Integer | The width of the layer in tiles. | [Let] MyInteger = oLayer.Columns |
Data | IBMDXTileMap | Return the underlying BMDXMap object containing the tiles. | Set MyIBMDXTileMap = oLayer.Data Set oLayer.Data = MyIBMDXTileMap |
Name | String | The name of this layer as indexed by the Map. | [Let] MyString = oLayer.Name [Let] oLayer.Name = MyString |
pMap | Map | Reference to the map in which this layer exists. | Set My_Map = oLayer.pMap Set oLayer.pMap = My_Map |
Rows | Integer | Return the height of the layer in tiles. | [Let] MyInteger = oLayer.Rows |
Sprite | Sprite | Return a sprite given its ordinal index in the layer. | Set My_Sprite = oLayer.Sprite(nIndex Integer) |
TileAnimColl | _Collection | The collection of AnimDefs applicable to the layer, initialized with LoadTileAnims. | Set My_Collection = oLayer.TileAnimColl Set oLayer.TileAnimColl = My_Collection |
Tileset | IBMDXTileSet | The BMDXTileset object (display memory) containing this layer's tile graphics. | Set MyIBMDXTileSet = oLayer.Tileset Set oLayer.Tileset = MyIBMDXTileSet |
Transparent | Boolean | Determines whether the background of the layer (background color of the tileset) is drawn. | [Let] MyBoolean = oLayer.Transparent [Let] oLayer.Transparent = MyBoolean |
TSDef | TileSetDef | The TileSetDef object used to create and maintain the tileset for this layer's graphics. | Set My_TileSetDef = oLayer.TSDef Set oLayer.TSDef = My_TileSetDef |
XScrollRate | Single | Value indicating how fast this layer scrolls horizontally relative to the map (layer pixels per map pixel; may be non-integer). | [Let] MySingle = oLayer.XScrollRate [Let] oLayer.XScrollRate = MySingle |
YScrollRate | Single | Value indicating how fast this layer scrolls vertically relative to the map (layer pixels per map pixel; may be non-integer). | [Let] MySingle = oLayer.YScrollRate [Let] oLayer.YScrollRate = MySingle |
Name | Return | Description | Syntax |
AddSprite | Add a new Sprite object to this layer, to be drawn by DrawLayerSprites. | oLayer.AddSprite(Spr Sprite) | |
AdvanceTileAnims | Process all AnimDefs for this layer (animate the tiles). | oLayer.AdvanceTileAnims | |
CheckSpriteCollisions | Find, process and react to sprite collisions out of all this layer's sprites. | oLayer.CheckSpriteCollisions | |
ClearSprites | Remove all sprites from the layer. | oLayer.ClearSprites | |
Create | Initialize the layer object's essential data. | oLayer.Create(LayerName String, PixWidth Long, PixHeight Long, TS TileSetDef, XR Single, YR Single, Trans Boolean, Mp Map) | |
DrawLayerSprites | Draw all this layer's sprites to the map's current display according to the specified map scroll position. | oLayer.DrawLayerSprites(MapXOffset Long, MapYOffset Long) | |
DrawSprite | Draw a single sprite object to this layer's map's display given the map's scroll position, accounting for the layer's scroll rate. | oLayer.DrawSprite(Spr Sprite, MapXOffset Long, MapYOffset Long) | |
IsLoaded | Boolean | Returns True if the layer's tileset is loaded | [Let] MyBoolean = oLayer.IsLoaded |
LoadTileAnims | Initializes tile animation for the layer based on the project's AnimDefs. | oLayer.LoadTileAnims | |
LoadTiles | Load the graphics for this layer's tileset into display memory, or locate an existing copy. | oLayer.LoadTiles(Disp IBMDXDisplay3) | |
ReleaseRefs | Release all references that the layer has to other objects to avoid circular reference problems. | oLayer.ReleaseRefs | |
RemoveSprite | Remove a sprite from the layer's collection of active sprites. | oLayer.RemoveSprite(nIndex Integer) | |
SpriteCount | Integer | Return the number of active sprites in the layer. | [Let] MyInteger = oLayer.SpriteCount |
TestForCollision | Test a specific CollisionDef given two applicable sprites. If they are colliding, take appropriate action. | oLayer.TestForCollision(ClsASprIdx Integer, ClsBSprIdx Integer, CollDefIdx Integer) | |
TileRectHit | Boolean | Determine if two sprite's rectangles overlap (used for detecting collision with a platform). | [Let] MyBoolean = oLayer.TileRectHit(TileSet1 IBMDXTileSet, TileSet2 IBMDXTileSet, DX Integer, DY Integer) |
UnloadTiles | Releases the layer's reference to the BMDXTileset object. | oLayer.UnloadTiles | |
UpdateLayer | Update the layer to a new set of parameters, changing the size and cropping if necessary. | oLayer.UpdateLayer(LayerName String, PixWidth Long, PixHeight Long, TS TileSetDef, XR Single, YR Single, Trans Boolean) |
Name | Type | Description | Syntax |
BackgroundColor | Long | Specifies the color behind the inventory (if it's not over the map) and elsewhere around the map when this map is displayed. | [Let] MyLong = oMap.BackgroundColor [Let] oMap.BackgroundColor = MyLong |
BackgroundMusic | String | Name of the MediaClip containing the background music for this map. | [Let] MyString = oMap.BackgroundMusic [Let] oMap.BackgroundMusic = MyString |
bActive | Boolean | Determines whether the map is updating. (Auto set to False when display is minimized.) | [Let] MyBoolean = oMap.bActive [Let] oMap.bActive = MyBoolean |
bDisablePlayerEdit | Boolean | True if the player sprite is being prevented from altering the map (ie, in map editor). | [Let] MyBoolean = oMap.bDisablePlayerEdit [Let] oMap.bDisablePlayerEdit = MyBoolean |
CollClassName | String | Get or set the name of one of the 16 collision classes for sprites. | [Let] oMap.CollClassName(Index Integer) = MyString [Let] MyString = oMap.CollClassName(Index Integer) |
CollDefCount | Integer | Return the number of collision definitions for sprites on the map. | [Let] MyInteger = oMap.CollDefCount |
CollDefs | CollisionDef | Return a CollisionDef object given its ordinal index in the Map. | Set My_CollisionDef = oMap.CollDefs(Index Integer) |
Disp | IBMDXDisplay3 | BMDXDisplay object being used by this map if it's active. | Set MyIBMDXDisplay3 = oMap.Disp Set oMap.Disp = MyIBMDXDisplay3 |
DisplayInventory | TileGroup | Indicates the indexes of which inventory items are displayed when this map is active. | Set My_TileGroup = oMap.DisplayInventory Set oMap.DisplayInventory = My_TileGroup |
InteractCount | Integer | Return the number of Interaction definitions for this map. | [Let] MyInteger = oMap.InteractCount |
Interactions | Interaction | Return or set an interaction object in the map according to it's ordinal index. | Set My_Interaction = oMap.Interactions(Index Integer) Set oMap.Interactions(Index Integer) = My_Interaction |
IsDirty | Boolean | Returns true if map data has changed. | [Let] MyBoolean = oMap.IsDirty [Let] oMap.IsDirty = MyBoolean |
LayerCount | Integer | Return the number of layers in the map. | [Let] MyInteger = oMap.LayerCount |
LayerExists | Boolean | Return True if the specified layer name or index exists in the map. | [Let] MyBoolean = oMap.LayerExists(Key Variant) |
MapHeight | Long | Get or set the height of the total map area in pixels (doesn't update layers). | [Let] MyLong = oMap.MapHeight [Let] oMap.MapHeight = MyLong |
MapLayer | Layer | Return the layer by it's ordinal index in the map. | Set My_Layer = oMap.MapLayer(Index Variant) |
MapWidth | Long | Get or set the width of the total map area in pixels (doesn't update layers). | [Let] MyLong = oMap.MapWidth [Let] oMap.MapWidth = MyLong |
Name | String | The name of this Map object as indexed by the project. | [Let] MyString = oMap.Name [Let] oMap.Name = MyString |
Path | String | The path of the binary map file for this map. | [Let] MyString = oMap.Path [Let] oMap.Path = MyString |
PathCount | Integer | Return the total number of Path objects in this map. | [Let] MyInteger = oMap.PathCount |
Paths | Path | Return a Path object given its name or ordinal index in the map. | Set My_Path = oMap.Paths(Key Variant) |
PlayerSpriteName | String | Identifies the player SpriteDef object by name. | [Let] MyString = oMap.PlayerSpriteName [Let] oMap.PlayerSpriteName = MyString |
SpecialCount | Integer | Return the number of SpecialFunctions in the map. | [Let] MyInteger = oMap.SpecialCount |
Specials | SpecialFunction | Return a SpecialFunction given its name or ordinal index in the Map. | Set My_SpecialFunction = oMap.Specials(Key Variant) |
SpriteDefCount | Integer | Return the number of SpriteDef objects in the map. | [Let] MyInteger = oMap.SpriteDefCount |
SpriteDefExists | Boolean | Return True if the SpriteDef name or index exists in the Map. | [Let] MyBoolean = oMap.SpriteDefExists(Key Variant) |
SpriteDefs | SpriteDef | Return a SpriteDef object given its name or ordinal Index in the map. | Set oMap.SpriteDefs(Key Variant) = My_SpriteDef Set My_SpriteDef = oMap.SpriteDefs(Key Variant) |
SpriteTemplateCount | Integer | Return the number of SpriteTemplate objects in the map. | [Let] MyInteger = oMap.SpriteTemplateCount |
SpriteTemplateExists | Boolean | Return True if the SpriteTemplate name or index exists in the Map. | [Let] MyBoolean = oMap.SpriteTemplateExists(Key Variant) |
SpriteTemplates | SpriteTemplate | Return a SpriteTemplate given its name or ordinal index in the Map. | Set My_SpriteTemplate = oMap.SpriteTemplates(Key Variant) Set oMap.SpriteTemplates(Key Variant) = My_SpriteTemplate |
ViewHeight | Integer | Get/Set the height of the map window. | [Let] MyInteger = oMap.ViewHeight [Let] oMap.ViewHeight = MyInteger |
ViewLeft | Integer | Get/Set the position of the map window. | [Let] MyInteger = oMap.ViewLeft [Let] oMap.ViewLeft = MyInteger |
ViewTop | Integer | Get/Set the position of the map window. | [Let] MyInteger = oMap.ViewTop [Let] oMap.ViewTop = MyInteger |
ViewWidth | Integer | Get/Set the width of the map window. | [Let] MyInteger = oMap.ViewWidth [Let] oMap.ViewWidth = MyInteger |
Name | Return | Description | Syntax |
AddCollDef | Add a new CollDef object to the map. | oMap.AddCollDef(CollDef CollisionDef) | |
AddInteraction | Add a new Interaction to the map. | oMap.AddInteraction(InteractionObj Interaction) | |
AddLayer | Add a new Layer to the map with the specified parameters. | oMap.AddLayer(Name String, TS String, XR Single, YR Single, Trans Boolean) | |
AddPath | Add a new Path to the map. | oMap.AddPath(P Path) | |
AddSpecial | Add a new SpecialFunction to the map. | oMap.AddSpecial(SpecFunc SpecialFunction) | |
AddSpriteDef | Add a new SpriteDef to the map. | oMap.AddSpriteDef(SD SpriteDef) | |
AddSpriteTemplate | Add a new SpriteTemplate to the map. | oMap.AddSpriteTemplate(Template SpriteTemplate) | |
AdvanceSprites | Move all sprites on all layers of this map according to their movement definitions. | oMap.AdvanceSprites | |
ChangeScreenTile | Change the tile on a particular layer beneath a particular coordinate on the screen given the map's scroll position. | oMap.ChangeScreenTile(XOff Long, YOff Long, X Integer, Y Integer, LayerIndex Integer, TileVal Byte) | |
CheckSpriteCollisions | Check for and process all sprite collisions on all layers of the map. | oMap.CheckSpriteCollisions | |
Deserialize | Load the map's parameters from a string as stored in the GDP file. | oMap.Deserialize(Data String) | |
DeserializeRuntime | Parses data from the .sav saved game data file to reconstruct running state. | oMap.DeserializeRuntime(Data String) | |
Draw | Draw all layer tiles and sprites according to the scroll offset and map view position. | oMap.Draw(XOffset Long, YOffset Long[, bAdvanceTileAnims Boolean = True]) | |
InitSprites | Initialize all this map's sprites, creating Sprites from SpriteDefs. | oMap.InitSprites | |
Load | Load a complete binary map file into memory. | oMap.Load(FileName String) | |
LoadTileAnims | Initialize tile animation (AnimDef) on all layers of the map. | oMap.LoadTileAnims | |
LoadTiles | Load the tilesets for all sprites and layers of this map into display memory. | oMap.LoadTiles | |
PathExists | Boolean | Return True if the specified Path object name or index exists in this map. | [Let] MyBoolean = oMap.PathExists(Key Variant) |
ReleaseLayerRefs | Release the references all layers have to other objects to avoid circular reference problems. | oMap.ReleaseLayerRefs | |
ReleaseRefs | Release references this map has to other objects to avoid circular reference problems. | oMap.ReleaseRefs | |
ReleaseSpriteRefs | Release references all SpriteDefs in the map have to other objects to avoid circular reference problems. | oMap.ReleaseSpriteRefs | |
ReleaseSpriteTemplateRefs | Release references all SpriteTemplates in the map have to other objects to avoid circular reference problems. | oMap.ReleaseSpriteTemplateRefs | |
RemoveCollDef | Remove a CollisionDef object from the map. | oMap.RemoveCollDef(Index Integer) | |
RemoveInteraction | Remove an Interaction object from the map | oMap.RemoveInteraction(Index Integer) | |
RemoveLayer | Remove a layer and all related Paths, SpriteDefs and SpecialFunctions from the map. | oMap.RemoveLayer(Key Variant) | |
RemovePath | Remove a Path and all related SpriteDefs from the map. | oMap.RemovePath(Key Variant) | |
RemoveSpecial | Remove a SpecialFunction from the map. | oMap.RemoveSpecial(Key Variant) | |
RemoveSpriteDef | Remove a SpriteDef object from the map. | oMap.RemoveSpriteDef(Key Variant) | |
RemoveSpriteTemplate | Remove a SpriteTemplate object from the map. | oMap.RemoveSpriteTemplate(Key Variant) | |
Save | Variant | Write a map file containing all the binary map-related data. | [Let] MyVariant = oMap.Save(FileName String) |
ScreenToTile | Boolean | Calculate a tile's row and column in the layer from a pixel coordinate on the screen and the scroll position of the map. | [Let] MyBoolean = oMap.ScreenToTile(XOff Long, YOff Long, X Integer, Y Integer, LayerIndex Integer, Col Integer, Row Integer) |
Serialize | String | Store the map's parameters to a plain text string for the GDP project file. | [Let] MyString = oMap.Serialize |
SerializeRuntime | String | Serializes data into a string for a runtime saved game file. | [Let] MyString = oMap.SerializeRuntime |
ShiftLayer | Move a layer in front of or behind other layers. (Positive Dir = foreground.) | oMap.ShiftLayer(Index Integer, Dir Integer) | |
SortSpecialFunctions | Puts all touch-sensitive functions first for optimal and correct processing at runtime. | oMap.SortSpecialFunctions | |
SpecialExists | Boolean | Return True if the SpecialFunction name or index exists in the map. | [Let] MyBoolean = oMap.SpecialExists(Key Variant) |
UnloadTiles | Remove from memory and display memory all graphics that are saved. | oMap.UnloadTiles |
Name | Type | Description | Syntax |
bPathGrid | Boolean | True if the grid is turned on for creating path points. | [Let] MyBoolean = oMapEdit.bPathGrid [Let] oMapEdit.bPathGrid = MyBoolean |
bQuit | Boolean | When this becomes true the editor exits. | [Let] MyBoolean = oMapEdit.bQuit [Let] oMapEdit.bQuit = MyBoolean |
bShowAllPaths | Boolean | Set to True to display all paths on the layer being edited. | [Let] MyBoolean = oMapEdit.bShowAllPaths [Let] oMapEdit.bShowAllPaths = MyBoolean |
CurTile | Byte | The index of the currently selected tile. | [Let] MyByte = oMapEdit.CurTile [Let] oMapEdit.CurTile = MyByte |
Disp | IBMDXDisplay3 | BMDXDisplay object being used by the map editor if it's active. | Set MyIBMDXDisplay3 = oMapEdit.Disp Set oMapEdit.Disp = MyIBMDXDisplay3 |
DisplayMessage | String | If this contains a string, it is printed on the editor screen until enter is pressed. | [Let] MyString = oMapEdit.DisplayMessage [Let] oMapEdit.DisplayMessage = MyString |
EditLayer | Integer | Index of the layer being edited within theMap (the map being edited). | [Let] MyInteger = oMapEdit.EditLayer [Let] oMapEdit.EditLayer = MyInteger |
EditMode | Integer | The current mode of the editor (Normal, Menu, Copy, TileMatch, Maze, etc) | [Let] MyInteger = oMapEdit.EditMode [Let] oMapEdit.EditMode = MyInteger |
EditResolution | Enum Resolution | Member of the"Resolution" enumeration defining the current screen resolution of the map editor. | [Let] MyResolution = oMapEdit.EditResolution [Let] oMapEdit.EditResolution = MyResolution |
GeneratingMaze | Boolean | True if a maze is currently being generated. | [Let] MyBoolean = oMapEdit.GeneratingMaze [Let] oMapEdit.GeneratingMaze = MyBoolean |
HorizontalResolution | Integer | Returns the current horizontal resolution of the map editor screen in pixels. | [Let] MyInteger = oMapEdit.HorizontalResolution |
MenuMode | Integer | Menu showing: 0 = Tiles + Top Menu, 1 = TileMatch, 2 = Path, 3 = Maze. | [Let] MyInteger = oMapEdit.MenuMode [Let] oMapEdit.MenuMode = MyInteger |
MouseX | Integer | Current X coordinate of the mouse. | [Let] MyInteger = oMapEdit.MouseX [Let] oMapEdit.MouseX = MyInteger |
MouseY | Integer | Current Y coordinate of the mouse. | [Let] MyInteger = oMapEdit.MouseY [Let] oMapEdit.MouseY = MyInteger |
NewPath | Path | The Path currently being created. | Set My_Path = oMapEdit.NewPath Set oMapEdit.NewPath = My_Path |
NewSpec | SpecialFunction | The SpecialFunction currently being created. | Set My_SpecialFunction = oMapEdit.NewSpec Set oMapEdit.NewSpec = My_SpecialFunction |
theMap | Map | Reference to the Map being edited. | Set My_Map = oMapEdit.theMap Set oMapEdit.theMap = My_Map |
VerticalResolution | Integer | Returns the current vertical resolution of the map editor screen in pixels. | [Let] MyInteger = oMapEdit.VerticalResolution |
XOff | Long | Current map X-Scroll offset. | [Let] MyLong = oMapEdit.XOff [Let] oMapEdit.XOff = MyLong |
XVel | Integer | Current horizontal scroll velocity. | [Let] MyInteger = oMapEdit.XVel [Let] oMapEdit.XVel = MyInteger |
YOff | Long | Current map Y-Scroll offset. | [Let] MyLong = oMapEdit.YOff [Let] oMapEdit.YOff = MyLong |
YVel | Integer | Current vertical scroll velocity. | [Let] MyInteger = oMapEdit.YVel [Let] oMapEdit.YVel = MyInteger |
Name | Return | Description | Syntax |
ActivateMenu | Respond to a click on the menu screen | oMapEdit.ActivateMenu(X Integer, Y Integer) | |
CheckScroll | Scroll the map according to the mouse position and scrolling inertia. | oMapEdit.CheckScroll | |
ClipToMapView | Given a GDI device context handle, this sets the clipping rectangle to the map display area. | oMapEdit.ClipToMapView(hDC Long) | |
DrawPath | Draw the specified path taking all scrolling and offsets into account. | oMapEdit.DrawPath(DrawPath Path[, bToMouse Boolean = False]) | |
DrawScreen | Draw the map, special functions, paths and interactive editor text according to the current state of the editor. | oMapEdit.DrawScreen | |
DrawSpecialFunction | Draw a representation of the specified special function taking all scrolling and offsets into account. | oMapEdit.DrawSpecialFunction(Spec SpecialFunction) | |
Edit | Run the editor loop that executes until editing is complete (bQuit). | oMapEdit.Edit(EditMap Map, Layer Integer) | |
Match2x2 | Variant | Return a 4x4 array of tiles that matches a 2x2 MatchDef block to a piece of the current layer. | [Let] MyVariant = oMapEdit.Match2x2(LCol Integer, TRow Integer[, bErase Boolean = False]) |
PaintMenu | Draw the menus according to the current state. | oMapEdit.PaintMenu | |
RemoveMouseTS | Clean up/release the mouse pointer graphics. | oMapEdit.RemoveMouseTS |
Name | Description | Syntax |
OnAfterDraw | Fired after the screen is drawn (good for an event that processes every loop. | Sub oMapEdit_OnAfterDraw() |
OnAfterMoveSprites | Fired right after sprite movements are processed. | Sub oMapEdit_OnAfterMoveSprites() |
OnBeforeMoveSprites | Fired right before sprite movements are processed. | Sub oMapEdit_OnBeforeMoveSprites() |
OnEditComplete | Fired after all the clean-up is done after exiting the editor. | Sub oMapEdit_OnEditComplete() |
OnEditInit | Fired after all initialization, right before entering the main editor loop. | Sub oMapEdit_OnEditInit() |
OnKeyPress | Fired whenever a keypress occurs on the editor. | Sub oMapEdit_OnKeyPress(KeyAscii Integer) |
OnMouseDown | Fired when mouse is pressed on the editor. | Sub oMapEdit_OnMouseDown(Button Integer, Shift Integer, X Integer, Y Integer) |
OnMouseMove | Fired when mouse moves accross full screen editor display. | Sub oMapEdit_OnMouseMove(Button Integer, Shift Integer, X Integer, Y Integer) |
OnMouseUp | Fired when mouse button is released in editor. | Sub oMapEdit_OnMouseUp(Button Integer, Shift Integer, X Integer, Y Integer) |
Name | Type | Description | Syntax |
CurX | Long | Current X position of the sprite being tested. | [Let] MyLong = oMapInteract.CurX [Let] oMapInteract.CurX = MyLong |
CurY | Long | Current Y position of the sprite being tested. | [Let] MyLong = oMapInteract.CurY [Let] oMapInteract.CurY = MyLong |
LastX | Long | Previous X position of the sprite being tested. | [Let] MyLong = oMapInteract.LastX [Let] oMapInteract.LastX = MyLong |
LastY | Long | Previous Y position of the sprite being tested. | [Let] MyLong = oMapInteract.LastY [Let] oMapInteract.LastY = MyLong |
Name | Return | Description | Syntax |
Move | Notify this object that the sprite has moved. (Updates current and previous X,Y.) | oMapInteract.Move(NewX Single, NewY Single) | |
TouchTest | Perform the tests and raise events according to specified parameters. | oMapInteract.TouchTest(SpriteObj Sprite[, InterestingTiles TileGroup = Nothing][, FirstTouchOnly TileGroup = Nothing]) |
Name | Description | Syntax |
OnTouchSpecial | Fired when the sprite touches a special function according to specified conditions. | Sub oMapInteract_OnTouchSpecial(SpecialObj SpecialFunction) |
OnTouchTile | Fired when the sprite touches a tile according to specified conditions. | Sub oMapInteract_OnTouchTile(TileX Long, TileY Long, TileVal Integer, bNewTouch Boolean) |
Name | Type | Description | Syntax |
AllTiles | TileGroup | Return the TileGroup containing all tiles in the MatchDef | Set My_TileGroup = oMatchDef.AllTiles |
Name | String | The name of this MatchDef object as indexed by the project. | [Let] MyString = oMatchDef.Name [Let] oMatchDef.Name = MyString |
TileMatches | TileMatch | Returns a TileMatch that contains the 15 groups of tiles used in the MatchDef. | Set My_TileMatch = oMatchDef.TileMatches |
TSDef | TileSetDef | Indicates the tileset to which this MatchDef applies. | Set My_TileSetDef = oMatchDef.TSDef Set oMatchDef.TSDef = My_TileSetDef |
Name | Return | Description | Syntax |
Deserialize | Load a MatchDef object from a string (GDP file). | oMatchDef.Deserialize(Data String) | |
MatchMiddleGrp | Byte | Given all tiles around a tile, return the index of the group of tiles that fits in the middle. | [Let] MyByte = oMatchDef.MatchMiddleGrp(TLTile Byte, TTile Byte, TRTile Byte, LTile Byte, RTile Byte, BLTile Byte, BTile Byte, BRTile Byte) |
MatchMiddleTile | Byte | Given all tiles around a tile, return the index of a tile that fits in the middle. | [Let] MyByte = oMatchDef.MatchMiddleTile(TLTile Byte, TTile Byte, TRTile Byte, LTile Byte, RTile Byte, BLTile Byte, BTile Byte, BRTile Byte) |
Serialize | String | Store the contents of this MatchDef to a string. | [Let] MyString = oMatchDef.Serialize |
UpdateTotalGroup | Recompose the group returned by AllTiles by Union-ing all groups in TileMatches into a single group. | oMatchDef.UpdateTotalGroup |
Name | Value |
MG_TOP | 1 |
MG_LEFT | 5 |
MG_RIGHT | 7 |
MG_BOTTOM | 11 |
Name | Type | Description | Syntax |
bCancelModalMedia | Boolean | Set to True to stop a modal clip from playing (in response to an event). | [Let] MyBoolean = oMediaClip.bCancelModalMedia [Let] oMediaClip.bCancelModalMedia = MyBoolean |
Flags | Integer | Determines various aspects of how the clip behaves. | [Let] MyInteger = oMediaClip.Flags [Let] oMediaClip.Flags = MyInteger |
Name | String | The name of this clip as indexed by the MediaManager object. | [Let] MyString = oMediaClip.Name [Let] oMediaClip.Name = MyString |
OutputX | Integer | For video clips, set the left side of the output. | [Let] MyInteger = oMediaClip.OutputX [Let] oMediaClip.OutputX = MyInteger |
OutputY | Integer | For video clips, set the top of the output. | [Let] MyInteger = oMediaClip.OutputY [Let] oMediaClip.OutputY = MyInteger |
strMediaFile | String | The path to the clip file as stored in the project file. | [Let] MyString = oMediaClip.strMediaFile [Let] oMediaClip.strMediaFile = MyString |
Volume | Integer | How loud this clip should be played (0=max, -10000=min). | [Let] MyInteger = oMediaClip.Volume [Let] oMediaClip.Volume = MyInteger |
Name | Return | Description | Syntax |
Deserialize | Load a media clip definition from the project file (string). | oMediaClip.Deserialize(Data String) | |
FadeOut | Start this clip on a process of fading out to silence. | oMediaClip.FadeOut | |
IsPlaying | Boolean | Returns True if the clip is currently playing. | [Let] MyBoolean = oMediaClip.IsPlaying |
Play | Start or continue playing this clip, optionally fading it to a new media file. Use StartClip to check allow MEDIA_ALLOW_INTERRUPT use. | oMediaClip.Play([strNewMedia String = ]) | |
Reset | Reset this clip to the state it was in when the project was loaded. | oMediaClip.Reset | |
Serialize | String | Store the definition of this clip to a string for the project file. | [Let] MyString = oMediaClip.Serialize |
StartClip | Taking into account the MEDIA_ALLOW_INTERRUPT flag, will either continue or restart the playing of the clip (using Play method). | oMediaClip.StartClip | |
StopClip | Abruptly stop playing the clip. | oMediaClip.StopClip(bForceRewind Boolean) |
Name | Type | Description | Syntax |
Clip | MediaClip | Return a MediaClip object given its name or ordinal index in the MediaManager. | Set My_MediaClip = oMediaManager.Clip(Key Variant) |
MediaClipCount | Integer | Return the number of MediaClips in the MediaManager. | [Let] MyInteger = oMediaManager.MediaClipCount |
Name | Return | Description | Syntax |
AddClip | Add a clip object to the manager to be managed / saved with the project. | oMediaManager.AddClip(Clip MediaClip) | |
CancelModalMedia | Stop playing modal clips now (in response to an event). | oMediaManager.CancelModalMedia | |
ClipExists | Boolean | Return True if a MediaClip by the specified name or index exists in the MediaManager. | [Let] MyBoolean = oMediaManager.ClipExists(Key Variant) |
Deserialize | Load all the clips for the project into the MediaManager from a string. | oMediaManager.Deserialize(Data String) | |
ModalFadeOutAll | Fade out and stop all media clips, then return to the caller. | oMediaManager.ModalFadeOutAll | |
NewClip | MediaClip | Create and return a new MediaClip with the specified parameters, optionally adding it to the manager. | Set My_MediaClip = oMediaManager.NewClip(bAddToCollection Boolean, ClipName Variant, MediaFile Variant, Flags Variant, OutputX Variant, OutputY Variant, Volume Integer) |
RemoveClip | Remove a MediaClip from the MediaManager by name or index. | oMediaManager.RemoveClip(Key Variant) | |
RenderActiveMedia | Continue processing all MediaClips according to their various processes and parameters. | oMediaManager.RenderActiveMedia | |
Serialize | String | Store all MediaClip definitions into a string for the project file. | [Let] MyString = oMediaManager.Serialize |
UnloadAll | Reset all MediaClips to their initial state. | oMediaManager.UnloadAll |
Name | Value |
Name | Type | Description | Syntax |
LayerName | String | Return the name of the layer to which this path applies. | [Let] MyString = oPath.LayerName [Let] oPath.LayerName = MyString |
Name | String | The name of this path as indexed by the Map. | [Let] MyString = oPath.Name [Let] oPath.Name = MyString |
PointCount | Integer | Return the number of points in the Path. | [Let] MyInteger = oPath.PointCount |
PointX | Long | Return the X coordnate of the point specified by index. Negative X value means this is a delay point for -X frames. | [Let] MyLong = oPath.PointX(Index Long) |
PointY | Long | Return the Y coordnate of the point specified by index. | [Let] MyLong = oPath.PointY(Index Long) |
Name | Return | Description | Syntax |
AddPoint | Add an endpoint to this Path | oPath.AddPoint(X Long, Y Long) | |
GetUsedBy | SpriteDef | Find and return the first SpriteDef that uses this path. | Set My_SpriteDef = oPath.GetUsedBy |
InsertPoint | Insert a point at the specified index, shifting the rest up in index. | oPath.InsertPoint(X Long, Y Long, Index Long) | |
OffsetBy | Move all points in the path by the specified offset. | oPath.OffsetBy(X Long, Y Long) | |
RemovePoint | Remove a point from this path, specified by index, shifting the rest back. | oPath.RemovePoint(Index Integer) |
Name | Type | Description | Syntax |
bEnableJoystick | Boolean | Allow joystick control of the player (True or False). | [Let] MyBoolean = oPlayer.bEnableJoystick [Let] oPlayer.bEnableJoystick = MyBoolean |
bIgnoreValidate | Boolean | A script can turn off automatic validation by setting this if it knows the project appears inavlid when it's valid. | [Let] MyBoolean = oPlayer.bIgnoreValidate [Let] oPlayer.bIgnoreValidate = MyBoolean |
bQuit | Boolean | Set to True to end main Play loop. | [Let] MyBoolean = oPlayer.bQuit [Let] oPlayer.bQuit = MyBoolean |
BtnStates | Integer | The current state of the controller in terms of special function flags. CtlActions translated by TranslateCtlActions method. | [Let] MyInteger = oPlayer.BtnStates [Let] oPlayer.BtnStates = MyInteger |
BtnStatesOld | Integer | State of the controller from the previous frame (in terms of special function flags) | [Let] MyInteger = oPlayer.BtnStatesOld [Let] oPlayer.BtnStatesOld = MyInteger |
CounterFrequency | Currency | Contains the frequency (Hz) of the frame-limiting counter if frame rate limiting is enabled or if FPS is displayed. | [Let] MyCurrency = oPlayer.CounterFrequency [Let] oPlayer.CounterFrequency = MyCurrency |
CtlActions | Integer | A bitmask of eActionBits flags indicating the current state of the input controllers ORed together. | [Let] MyInteger = oPlayer.CtlActions [Let] oPlayer.CtlActions = MyInteger |
DefaultScript | String | If no other script is specified, run this script at startup when in play mode. | [Let] MyString = oPlayer.DefaultScript [Let] oPlayer.DefaultScript = MyString |
Disp | IBMDXDisplay3 | BMDXDisplay object representing the full screen display if currently playing. | Set MyIBMDXDisplay3 = oPlayer.Disp Set oPlayer.Disp = MyIBMDXDisplay3 |
FirstTouchTiles | TileGroup | A TileGroup to mask in all tiles which are only interested when initially touched. (optimization for MapInteract.TouchTest.) | Set My_TileGroup = oPlayer.FirstTouchTiles Set oPlayer.FirstTouchTiles = My_TileGroup |
FrameCounter | Integer | Number of frames drawn this second if FPS is being displayed. | [Let] MyInteger = oPlayer.FrameCounter [Let] oPlayer.FrameCounter = MyInteger |
FrameRateLimit | Integer | Maximum number of frames per second to allow. Zero disables limiting. | [Let] MyInteger = oPlayer.FrameRateLimit [Let] oPlayer.FrameRateLimit = MyInteger |
HorizontalResolution | Integer | Returns the horizontal resolution of the full screen display based on PlaybackResolution setting (read-only). | [Let] MyInteger = oPlayer.HorizontalResolution |
InterestingTiles | TileGroup | Tiles which should be considered for raising an event when touched. (Optimization for MapInteract.TouchTest) | Set My_TileGroup = oPlayer.InterestingTiles Set oPlayer.InterestingTiles = My_TileGroup |
InvBarBackgroundColor | Long | Return the background color for a bar on an inventory item display. | [Let] MyLong = oPlayer.InvBarBackgroundColor(Index Integer) |
InvBarColor | Long | Return the color for a bar on an inventory item display. | [Let] MyLong = oPlayer.InvBarColor(Index Integer) |
InvBarLength | Integer | Return the total length of an inventory item's display bar in pixels. | [Let] MyInteger = oPlayer.InvBarLength(Index Integer) |
InvBarMargin | Integer | Set the margin between all inventory item displays and their respective quantity display. | [Let] MyInteger = oPlayer.InvBarMargin [Let] oPlayer.InvBarMargin = MyInteger |
InvBarOutlineColor | Long | Return the outline color for a bar on an inventory item display. | [Let] MyLong = oPlayer.InvBarOutlineColor(Index Integer) |
InvBarThickness | Integer | Return the thickness of a bar in the inventory item display. | [Let] MyInteger = oPlayer.InvBarThickness(Index Integer) |
InvDisplayX | Integer | Return the X coordinate for the display of a particular inventory item. | [Let] MyInteger = oPlayer.InvDisplayX(Index Integer) |
InvDisplayY | Integer | Return the Y coordinate for the display of a particular inventory item. | [Let] MyInteger = oPlayer.InvDisplayY(Index Integer) |
InventoryCount | Integer | Return the number of defined inventory items. | [Let] MyInteger = oPlayer.InventoryCount |
InventoryItemName | String | Get or set the display name of an item in the inventory. | [Let] oPlayer.InventoryItemName(Index Integer) = MyString [Let] MyString = oPlayer.InventoryItemName(Index Integer) |
InvIconCountPerRepeat | Integer | How many images of this inventory item are there to represent owning 1, 2, 3 (etc) of this item. | [Let] oPlayer.InvIconCountPerRepeat(Index Integer) = MyInteger [Let] MyInteger = oPlayer.InvIconCountPerRepeat(Index Integer) |
InvIconTileIdx | Integer | Return the index of the tile used to represent an inventory item. | [Let] MyInteger = oPlayer.InvIconTileIdx(Index Integer) |
InvIconTilesetIdx | Integer | Return the ordinal index in the project of the TileSetDef containing the graphics for this inventory item. | [Let] MyInteger = oPlayer.InvIconTilesetIdx(Index Integer) |
InvMaxQuantity | Integer | Get or set the maximum number of an item that the player can own. | [Let] oPlayer.InvMaxQuantity(Index Integer) = MyInteger [Let] MyInteger = oPlayer.InvMaxQuantity(Index Integer) |
InvQuantityDisplayType | Enum QuantityDisplay | Get or set how an inventory item should be displayed. | [Let] MyQuantityDisplay = oPlayer.InvQuantityDisplayType(Index Integer) [Let] oPlayer.InvQuantityDisplayType(Index Integer) = MyQuantityDisplay |
InvQuantityOwned | Integer | Get or set how many of an inventory item the player currently owns. | [Let] oPlayer.InvQuantityOwned(Index Integer) = MyInteger [Let] MyInteger = oPlayer.InvQuantityOwned(Index Integer) |
JoyActions | Integer | A bitmask of eActionBits flags indicating the current state of the joystick. | [Let] MyInteger = oPlayer.JoyActions [Let] oPlayer.JoyActions = MyInteger |
JoyButton1 | Boolean | Return True if button 1 on the joystick was pressed when PollJoystick was last called. | [Let] MyBoolean = oPlayer.JoyButton1 |
JoyButton2 | Boolean | Return True if button 2 on the joystick was pressed when PollJoystick was last called. | [Let] MyBoolean = oPlayer.JoyButton2 |
JoyButton3 | Boolean | Return True if button 3 on the joystick was pressed when PollJoystick was last called. | [Let] MyBoolean = oPlayer.JoyButton3 |
JoyButton4 | Boolean | Return True if button 4 on the joystick was pressed when PollJoystick was last called. | [Let] MyBoolean = oPlayer.JoyButton4 |
JoyX | Long | Return the X coordinate of the joystick (0-65535) when PollJoystick was last called. | [Let] MyLong = oPlayer.JoyX |
JoyY | Long | Return the Y coordinate of the joystick (0-65535) when PollJoystick was last called. | [Let] MyLong = oPlayer.JoyY |
JSValid | Boolean | Return True if joystick input was valid after the last PollJoystick call. | [Let] MyBoolean = oPlayer.JSValid [Let] oPlayer.JSValid = MyBoolean |
KeyActions | Integer | A bitmask of eActionBits flags indicating the current state of the keyboard. | [Let] MyInteger = oPlayer.KeyActions [Let] oPlayer.KeyActions = MyInteger |
KeyConfig | Integer | Get or set the virtual key used for an action: Up, Left, Right, Down, Buttons 1-4. | [Let] MyInteger = oPlayer.KeyConfig(Idx Integer) [Let] oPlayer.KeyConfig(Idx Integer) = MyInteger |
LastFPS | String | Contains the last calculated FPS value if FPS display is enabled. | [Let] MyString = oPlayer.LastFPS [Let] oPlayer.LastFPS = MyString |
LastFrameTime | Currency | Contains the timer value at which the last frame finished if frame rate limiting is enabled or if FPS is displayed (see also CounterFrequency). | [Let] MyCurrency = oPlayer.LastFrameTime [Let] oPlayer.LastFrameTime = MyCurrency |
MapScrollX | Long | Get or set the current horizontal scroll position of the map. | [Let] MyLong = oPlayer.MapScrollX [Let] oPlayer.MapScrollX = MyLong |
MapScrollY | Long | Get or set the current vertical scroll position of the map. | [Let] MyLong = oPlayer.MapScrollY [Let] oPlayer.MapScrollY = MyLong |
PeriodStart | Currency | Contains the timer value when frame counting for the current timing period began, if FPS is being displayed. | [Let] MyCurrency = oPlayer.PeriodStart [Let] oPlayer.PeriodStart = MyCurrency |
PlaybackResolution | Enum Resolution | Specifies the resolution of the full screen display. | [Let] MyResolution = oPlayer.PlaybackResolution [Let] oPlayer.PlaybackResolution = MyResolution |
PlayerSprite | Sprite | After InitPlayerSprite is called, this refers to the player sprite object. | Set My_Sprite = oPlayer.PlayerSprite Set oPlayer.PlayerSprite = My_Sprite |
rMap | Map | Reference to the map object currently being displayed by the game player. | Set My_Map = oPlayer.rMap Set oPlayer.rMap = My_Map |
ScrollMarginX | Integer | Get or set how close the edge of the player sprite can get to the edge of the map window before scrolling. | [Let] MyInteger = oPlayer.ScrollMarginX [Let] oPlayer.ScrollMarginX = MyInteger |
ScrollMarginY | Integer | Get or set how close the edge of the player sprite can get to the edge of the map window before scrolling. | [Let] MyInteger = oPlayer.ScrollMarginY [Let] oPlayer.ScrollMarginY = MyInteger |
StartMapName | String | Set the name of the map where play initially starts. | [Let] MyString = oPlayer.StartMapName [Let] oPlayer.StartMapName = MyString |
Touch | MapInteract | Object instance that tests for interactions between the player sprite and the map. | Set My_MapInteract = oPlayer.Touch Set oPlayer.Touch = My_MapInteract |
TriggerX | Long | X coordinate in pixels of the last sprite collision (sprite A) or tile interaction (tile location) | [Let] MyLong = oPlayer.TriggerX [Let] oPlayer.TriggerX = MyLong |
TriggerY | Long | Y coordinate in pixels of the last sprite collision (sprite A) or tile interaction (tile location) | [Let] MyLong = oPlayer.TriggerY [Let] oPlayer.TriggerY = MyLong |
VerticalResolution | Integer | Returns the vertical resolution of the full screen display based on PlaybackResolution setting (read-only). | [Let] MyInteger = oPlayer.VerticalResolution |
Name | Return | Description | Syntax |
ActivateFunction | Perform the actions dictated by a SpecialFunction. | oPlayer.ActivateFunction(SpecialObj SpecialFunction) | |
AddInventoryItem | Integer | Add a new inventory item definition. | [Let] MyInteger = oPlayer.AddInventoryItem(QuantityDisplayType Enum QuantityDisplay, DisplayX Integer, DisplayY Integer) |
AutoScrollMap | Scroll the map according to the player's position. | oPlayer.AutoScrollMap | |
Deserialize | Load the player-related information from a project file string. | oPlayer.Deserialize(Data String) | |
DeserializeRuntime | Processes data from the .sav saved game file to reconstruct the running state of the Player within the game. | oPlayer.DeserializeRuntime(Data String) | |
DrawFPS | Draw the frame rate at the top right of the display if FPS display is enabled. | oPlayer.DrawFPS | |
DrawInventory | Draw all components of the inventory onto the screen in appropriate places. | oPlayer.DrawInventory | |
DrawInvItem | Draw a single inventory item onto the display. hDC=NULL: draw only tiles. hDC <> NULL: draw only lines/text. | oPlayer.DrawInvItem(Index Integer[, hDC Long = 0]) | |
DrawMap | Draw the map according to its current scrolled position in the game player. | oPlayer.DrawMap | |
InitPlayerSprite | Boolean | Initialize FirstTouchTiles, InterestingTiles and PlayerSprite properties. | [Let] MyBoolean = oPlayer.InitPlayerSprite |
InvMove | Change the X and Y coordinates of an inventory item's display. | oPlayer.InvMove(Index Integer, DisplayX Integer, DisplayY Integer) | |
InvSetBarInfo | Set all aspects of how a bar is displayed for an inventory item. | oPlayer.InvSetBarInfo(Index Integer, BarColor Long, BarThickness Integer, BarLength Integer[, BackgroundColor Long = -1][, OutlineColor Long = -1]) | |
JoyMove | Process the current state of the joystick and raises OnControllerMove events if appropriate. | oPlayer.JoyMove | |
Play | The main play loop initializes and plays the game after it's loaded. | oPlayer.Play(ScreenDepth Integer) | |
PlayFunctionMedia | Play a media clip associated with a function. | oPlayer.PlayFunctionMedia(SpecialObj SpecialFunction) | |
PollJoystick | Read the current state of the joystick. | oPlayer.PollJoystick(StickNum Integer) | |
PopLocation | Returns to a previous location stored with PushLocation. | oPlayer.PopLocation(bRememberSprites Boolean[, strAsSprite String = ]) | |
PrepareMapInventory | Processes the inventory items to be displayed for the current map; makes sure they will display as indicated by rMap.DisplayInventory. | oPlayer.PrepareMapInventory | |
PushLocation | Stores the player's current map location and sprite type onto a stack so you can return to it with PopLocation. | oPlayer.PushLocation | |
ReIndexTilesetRefs | Find the indexes of the tilesets named in the inventory to prepare for efficient inventory drawing. | oPlayer.ReIndexTilesetRefs | |
RemoveInventoryItem | Remove an inventory item definition. | oPlayer.RemoveInventoryItem(Index Integer) | |
Serialize | String | Store the persistable contents of the game player object to a string for the project file. | [Let] MyString = oPlayer.Serialize |
SerializeRuntime | String | Stores the running state of the player object into a string for writing to the .sav saved game file. | [Let] MyString = oPlayer.SerializeRuntime |
SetInventoryTile | Set the tileset (by name or index) and tile index used to display a particular inventory item. | oPlayer.SetInventoryTile(Index Integer, TileSetKey Variant, TileIndex Integer) | |
TranslateCtlActions | Integer | Translates a value from eActionBits flag format to InteractionFlags/InteractionFlags2 flag format. | [Let] MyInteger = oPlayer.TranslateCtlActions(nActions Integer) |
TriggerCollide | Fires OnSpritesCollide | oPlayer.TriggerCollide(Name String, ClsASprIdx Integer, ClsBSprIdx Integer, CollDefIdx Integer) | |
TriggerNewSprite | Fires OnNewSprite. | oPlayer.TriggerNewSprite(NewSprite Sprite) | |
WaitForFrame | Waits until the next frame should be drawn if FPS limiting is enabled. | oPlayer.WaitForFrame |
Name | Description | Syntax |
OnAfterMoveSprites | Fired right after all the sprite movements are processed. (Only when game has focus) | Sub oPlayer_OnAfterMoveSprites() |
OnBeforeMoveSprites | Fired right before all the sprite movements are processed. (Only when game has focus) | Sub oPlayer_OnBeforeMoveSprites() |
OnControllerMove | Fired when an input controller moves (CtlActions changes). | Sub oPlayer_OnControllerMove(OldActions Integer, NewActions Integer) |
OnFrameStart | Fired at the beginning of each frame. Parameter indicates whether game has focus or if it has been minimized/paused. | Sub oPlayer_OnFrameStart(bGameIsActive Boolean) |
OnNewSprite | Fired when a new sprite is added to a layer. | Sub oPlayer_OnNewSprite(NewSprite Sprite) |
OnPlayComplete | Fired after all the clean up is done after exiting the game player Play loop. | Sub oPlayer_OnPlayComplete() |
OnPlayInit | Fired after initialization is complete, right before Play loop starts. | Sub oPlayer_OnPlayInit() |
OnSpecialFunction | Fired when the player touches a special function that raises an event. | Sub oPlayer_OnSpecialFunction(SpecialObj SpecialFunction) |
OnSpritesCollide | Fired when sprites collide. | Sub oPlayer_OnSpritesCollide(Name String, ClsASprIdx Integer, ClsBSprIdx Integer, CollDefIdx Integer) |
OnTileInteraction | Fired when a map tile interaction raises an event. | Sub oPlayer_OnTileInteraction(TileX Long, TileY Long, TileValue Integer, bNewTouch Boolean, InteractionIndex Integer) |
Name | Value |
QD_NONE | 0 |
Name | Value |
RES_320x240 | 1 |
RES_640x480 | 2 |
RES_800x600 | 3 |
RES_1024x768 | 4 |
Name | Type | Description | Syntax |
bScriptIsRunning | Boolean | Indicates if script is running. | [Let] MyBoolean = oScriptHost.bScriptIsRunning [Let] oScriptHost.bScriptIsRunning = MyBoolean |
GameDevTypeLibFile | String | Get the file containing the type library for the current EXE (Path to GameDev.EXE or GDPlay.EXE). | [Let] MyString = oScriptHost.GameDevTypeLibFile |
ScriptTimeOutSeconds | Single | How many seconds may elapse before GameDev attempts to abort the script with a timeout error. Set to 0 to disable. | [Let] MySingle = oScriptHost.ScriptTimeOutSeconds [Let] oScriptHost.ScriptTimeOutSeconds = MySingle |
StartScript | Integer | If set (>=0), clear out the current script and start a new one (mainly to sink new events). | [Let] MyInteger = oScriptHost.StartScript [Let] oScriptHost.StartScript = MyInteger |
TempStorage | Variant | Variant can contain any object/array/value while switching scripts, for instance, after setting StartScript. | [Let] MyVariant = oScriptHost.TempStorage [Let] oScriptHost.TempStorage = MyVariant Set oScriptHost.TempStorage = MyVariant |
Name | Return | Description | Syntax |
AddObjectWithEvents | Create a new instance of an object and add it to the script's namespace and sink events for it. | oScriptHost.AddObjectWithEvents(Class String, Name String, TypeLibraryFile String) | |
AsObject | Object | Extracts the object from the passed variable and returns it as an object instead of a variant. Required in calls to AddSprite etc. | [Let] MyObject = oScriptHost.AsObject(VarObj Variant) |
CapturePic | Picture | Capture a portion of the specified display handle (hDC) into a Picture object. | Set MyPicture = oScriptHost.CapturePic(hDC Long, Left Long, Top Long, Width Long, Height Long) |
CheckForError | Boolean | Display a MessageBox if there has been a script error, and clear the error. | [Let] MyBoolean = oScriptHost.CheckForError |
ConnectEventsNow | Finalize all the object event sinks and connect them to the script. | oScriptHost.ConnectEventsNow | |
DoCommand | Variant | For future expansion. | [Let] MyVariant = oScriptHost.DoCommand(CmdInfo Variant) |
ExtractPic | Picture | Given a picture object, extract a piece of the picture as a new picture, optionally highlighting it in blue. | Set MyPicture = oScriptHost.ExtractPic(Pic Variant, ExLeft Long, ExTop Long, ExWidth Long, ExHeight Long[, bHighlight Boolean = False]) |
InitScript | Load a script file into memory. Split it into its parts if it has "#Split" in it. | oScriptHost.InitScript(StartupScript String) | |
PasteTileToPic | Paste a picture object into another picture object at the specified coordinates. | oScriptHost.PasteTileToPic(Pic Variant, Tile Variant, X Integer, Y Integer) | |
RunStartScript | Initialize and run the script indicated by StartScript. | oScriptHost.RunStartScript | |
SinkObjectEvents | Sink an object's events with the given name. (Must be before ConnectEventsNow to work.) | oScriptHost.SinkObjectEvents(ObjInstance Object, Name String, ProgId String, TypeLibraryFile String) | |
TypeLibFromLibID | String | Given a LibID in the format {00000200-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4} return the file. | [Let] MyString = oScriptHost.TypeLibFromLibID(LibID String, VerMajor Integer, VerMinor Integer) |
Name | Type | Description | Syntax |
DownCeil | Category | Category object containing tiles sloped down and right, solid above. | Set My_Category = oSolidDef.DownCeil Set oSolidDef.DownCeil = My_Category |
Downhill | Category | Category object containing tiles sloped down and right, solid below. | Set My_Category = oSolidDef.Downhill Set oSolidDef.Downhill = My_Category |
Name | String | The name of the SolidDef as indexed by the project. | [Let] MyString = oSolidDef.Name [Let] oSolidDef.Name = MyString |
Solid | Category | Category object containing completely solid tiles. | Set My_Category = oSolidDef.Solid Set oSolidDef.Solid = My_Category |
TSName | String | Name of the tileset to which this SoidDef applies. | [Let] MyString = oSolidDef.TSName [Let] oSolidDef.TSName = MyString |
UpCeil | Category | Category object containing tiles sloped up and right, solid above. | Set My_Category = oSolidDef.UpCeil Set oSolidDef.UpCeil = My_Category |
Uphill | Category | Category object containing tiles sloped up and right, solid below. | Set My_Category = oSolidDef.Uphill Set oSolidDef.Uphill = My_Category |
Name | Return | Description | Syntax |
Deserialize | Load a SolidDef from a project file string. | oSolidDef.Deserialize(Data String) | |
GetIndex | Integer | Find the index of the SolidDef as indexed by the project. | [Let] MyInteger = oSolidDef.GetIndex |
GetIndexByTileset | Integer | Find the index of the SolidDef as indexed by Project.SolidDefIndexByTileset. | [Let] MyInteger = oSolidDef.GetIndexByTileset(TSName String) |
Remove | Remove the SolidDef object from the project. | oSolidDef.Remove | |
Serialize | String | Return the contents of the SolidDef object as a string for the project file. | [Let] MyString = oSolidDef.Serialize |
Name | Value |
Name | Type | Description | Syntax |
AlterCount | Integer | Returns the "Change by" value for Alter Inventory function (stored in DestX) | [Let] MyInteger = oSpecialFunction.AlterCount [Let] oSpecialFunction.AlterCount = MyInteger |
DestX | Long | Target coordinate of the special function. Units depends on function. | [Let] MyLong = oSpecialFunction.DestX [Let] oSpecialFunction.DestX = MyLong |
DestY | Long | Target coordinate of the special function. Units depends on function. | [Let] MyLong = oSpecialFunction.DestY [Let] oSpecialFunction.DestY = MyLong |
Flags | Integer | Bitmask of InteractionFlags dictating various aspects how the function behaves. | [Let] MyInteger = oSpecialFunction.Flags [Let] oSpecialFunction.Flags = MyInteger |
Flags2 | Long | A bitmask of InteractionFlags2 values indicating aspects of how the function behaves (an extension to the flags property). | [Let] MyLong = oSpecialFunction.Flags2 [Let] oSpecialFunction.Flags2 = MyLong |
FuncType | Enum SpecialFuncs | Type of action this special function takes. | [Let] MySpecialFuncs = oSpecialFunction.FuncType [Let] oSpecialFunction.FuncType = MySpecialFuncs |
InvItem | Byte | Index of the inventory item used by this function. | [Let] MyByte = oSpecialFunction.InvItem [Let] oSpecialFunction.InvItem = MyByte |
InvUseCount | Integer | How many of InvItem are used to activate the function. | [Let] MyInteger = oSpecialFunction.InvUseCount [Let] oSpecialFunction.InvUseCount = MyInteger |
LayerIndex | Integer | Index of the layer in this map to which the SpecialFunction applies. | [Let] MyInteger = oSpecialFunction.LayerIndex [Let] oSpecialFunction.LayerIndex = MyInteger |
LimitFuncName | String | Returns name of function to run if Alter Inventory hits a limit (value is stored in SpriteName property). | [Let] MyString = oSpecialFunction.LimitFuncName [Let] oSpecialFunction.LimitFuncName = MyString |
MediaName | String | Name of the MediaClip (if any) that plays when the function is activated. | [Let] MyString = oSpecialFunction.MediaName [Let] oSpecialFunction.MediaName = MyString |
Name | String | Name of the SpecialFunction as indexed by the Map. | [Let] MyString = oSpecialFunction.Name [Let] oSpecialFunction.Name = MyString |
SaveGameFuncName | String | Name of the function to activate when a save-game type function needs to activate another function. Shares the same memory as the SpriteName property. | [Let] MyString = oSpecialFunction.SaveGameFuncName [Let] oSpecialFunction.SaveGameFuncName = MyString |
SpriteName | String | Name of the sprite relavent to this SpecialFunction (if any). | [Let] MyString = oSpecialFunction.SpriteName [Let] oSpecialFunction.SpriteName = MyString |
TileBottom | Integer | The bottom coordinate of the special function's activation rectangle. | [Let] MyInteger = oSpecialFunction.TileBottom [Let] oSpecialFunction.TileBottom = MyInteger |
TileLeft | Integer | The left coordinate of the special function's activation rectangle. | [Let] MyInteger = oSpecialFunction.TileLeft [Let] oSpecialFunction.TileLeft = MyInteger |
TileRight | Integer | The right coordinate of the special function's activation rectangle. | [Let] MyInteger = oSpecialFunction.TileRight [Let] oSpecialFunction.TileRight = MyInteger |
TileTop | Integer | The top coordinate of the special function's activation rectangle. | [Let] MyInteger = oSpecialFunction.TileTop [Let] oSpecialFunction.TileTop = MyInteger |
Value | String | The name of a target of the SpecialFunction. Meaning depends on FuncType. | [Let] MyString = oSpecialFunction.Value [Let] oSpecialFunction.Value = MyString |
Name | Return | Description | Syntax |
Load | Load a SpecialFunction from the binary map file. | oSpecialFunction.Load(nFileNum Integer) | |
Save | Write the SpecialFunction to a binary file. | oSpecialFunction.Save(nFileNum Integer) |
Name | Type | Description | Syntax |
bHitSolid | Boolean | Set to true during ReactToSolid if sprite hits a solid tile. | [Let] MyBoolean = oSprite.bHitSolid [Let] oSprite.bHitSolid = MyBoolean |
byAccelDir | Byte | Returns current acceleration flags 1=horizontal, 2=vertical, 3=both (36-state is always 3 or 0) | [Let] MyByte = oSprite.byAccelDir [Let] oSprite.byAccelDir = MyByte |
CurDelay | Byte | How many frames into the delay for the current image is the animation state of the sprite. | [Let] MyByte = oSprite.CurDelay [Let] oSprite.CurDelay = MyByte |
CurFrame | Byte | Get/set which image (from teh current state's animation) is currently being displayed. | [Let] MyByte = oSprite.CurFrame [Let] oSprite.CurFrame = MyByte |
CurState | Byte | Get/set which state the sprite is currently in. | [Let] MyByte = oSprite.CurState [Let] oSprite.CurState = MyByte |
CurTile | Integer | Returns the tile index within the sprite's tileset that is used to draw the sprite in its current state. | [Let] MyInteger = oSprite.CurTile |
CurTS | IBMDXTileSet | Returns the tileset used to draw the sprite in its crrent state. | Set MyIBMDXTileSet = oSprite.CurTS |
CurTSDef | TileSetDef | Returns the TileSetDef used to draw the sprite in its current state. | Set My_TileSetDef = oSprite.CurTSDef |
DX | Single | Delta-X (x velocity) of this sprite. | [Let] MySingle = oSprite.DX [Let] oSprite.DX = MySingle |
DY | Single | Delta-Y (y velocity) of this sprite. | [Let] MySingle = oSprite.DY [Let] oSprite.DY = MySingle |
Height | Integer | Return the height of the sprite in its current state. | [Let] MyInteger = oSprite.Height |
NextPointIndex | Integer | Get/set the index of the point (on SpriteDef's Path) toward which the sprite is moving. | [Let] MyInteger = oSprite.NextPointIndex [Let] oSprite.NextPointIndex = MyInteger |
PathOffsetX | Single | For a sprite following a relative path, indicates the horizontal offset from the path starting point to the sprite's starting point. | [Let] MySingle = oSprite.PathOffsetX [Let] oSprite.PathOffsetX = MySingle |
PathOffsetY | Single | For a sprite following a relative path, indicates the vertical offset from the path starting point to the sprite's starting point. | [Let] MySingle = oSprite.PathOffsetY [Let] oSprite.PathOffsetY = MySingle |
pRideOnRef | Sprite | Reference to the sprite that this sprite is riding on (platform). | Set My_Sprite = oSprite.pRideOnRef Set oSprite.pRideOnRef = My_Sprite |
rDef | SpriteDef | Reference to this sprite's SpriteDef. | Set My_SpriteDef = oSprite.rDef Set oSprite.rDef = My_SpriteDef |
RideRelX | Single | X position relative to a platform the sprite is riding on. | [Let] MySingle = oSprite.RideRelX [Let] oSprite.RideRelX = MySingle |
UserData | Variant | Not touched by GameDev, to be used in script or external controlling programs. | [Let] MyVariant = oSprite.UserData [Let] oSprite.UserData = MyVariant Set oSprite.UserData = MyVariant |
WaitCounter | Long | When stopped at a pause point in a path (negative X=delay), this counts down to that value before proceeding. | [Let] MyLong = oSprite.WaitCounter [Let] oSprite.WaitCounter = MyLong |
Width | Integer | The width of the sprite in its current state. | [Let] MyInteger = oSprite.Width |
X | Single | Current X position of the sprite within the layer. | [Let] MySingle = oSprite.X [Let] oSprite.X = MySingle |
Y | Single | Current Y position of the sprite within the layer. | [Let] MySingle = oSprite.Y [Let] oSprite.Y = MySingle |
Name | Return | Description | Syntax |
Advance | Move this sprite to its next position based on it's SpriteDef and SpriteTemplate. | oSprite.Advance | |
AdvanceFrame | Advance the image for this sprite by a specified number of frames. | oSprite.AdvanceFrame(Distance Integer) | |
NextRandomPoint | Integer | Returns the index of the next point a sprite can head toward when following a path randomly. | [Let] MyInteger = oSprite.NextRandomPoint |
ProcessAction | Boolean | Set DX, DY and CurState based on passed Action flags (ie. Player.CtlActions), return True if accellerating. | [Let] MyBoolean = oSprite.ProcessAction(Actions Integer) |
ReactToSolid | Alter DX and DY according to map solidity via SolidDef in Sprite's template. | oSprite.ReactToSolid | |
ResetFrame | Restart sprite's animation (without changing state). | oSprite.ResetFrame | |
RideOn | Variant | Check if sprite is going the correct direction to land on the platform, if so, ride on it. | [Let] MyVariant = oSprite.RideOn(Platform Sprite) |
Name | Type | Description | Syntax |
Flags | Byte | eDefFlagBits value (indicates whether to create instance on map start) | [Let] MyByte = oSpriteDef.Flags [Let] oSpriteDef.Flags = MyByte |
Name | String | Name of this SpriteDef as indexed by the Map. | [Let] MyString = oSpriteDef.Name [Let] oSpriteDef.Name = MyString |
rLayer | Layer | Reference to the layer where sprites of this SpriteDef exist (comes from rPath). | Set My_Layer = oSpriteDef.rLayer Set oSpriteDef.rLayer = My_Layer |
rPath | Path | Reference to the path that sprites of this SpriteDef follow. | Set My_Path = oSpriteDef.rPath Set oSpriteDef.rPath = My_Path |
StateCount | Integer | Return the number of sprite states in this SpriteDef's template. | [Let] MyInteger = oSpriteDef.StateCount |
StateFrame | Integer | Return the tile index for the specified frame of the specified state of the SpriteTemplate. | [Let] MyInteger = oSpriteDef.StateFrame(State Integer, Frame Integer) |
StateFrameCount | Integer | Return the number of frames for the specified state in the SpriteDef's Template. | [Let] MyInteger = oSpriteDef.StateFrameCount(State Integer) |
StateTilesetDef | TileSetDef | Return the TileSetDef object used by the specified sprite state in the SpriteDef's SpriteTemplate. | Set My_TileSetDef = oSpriteDef.StateTilesetDef(State Integer) |
Template | SpriteTemplate | Reference to the SpriteTemplate object used by this SpriteDef. | Set My_SpriteTemplate = oSpriteDef.Template Set oSpriteDef.Template = My_SpriteTemplate |
Name | Return | Description | Syntax |
Clone | SpriteDef | Create and return a copy of this SpriteDef. | Set My_SpriteDef = oSpriteDef.Clone |
Load | Variant | Load a SpriteDef from a binary (map) file. | [Let] MyVariant = oSpriteDef.Load(nFileNum Integer) |
LoadTiles | Load into display memory all the tilesets required to draw sprites of this SpriteDef. | oSpriteDef.LoadTiles(Disp IBMDXDisplay3) | |
MakeInstance | Sprite | Create and return a new instance of this sprite (must be added to layer to be automatically processed). | Set My_Sprite = oSpriteDef.MakeInstance |
ReleaseRefs | Release all references this SpriteDef has to other objects (to avoid circular reference problems). | oSpriteDef.ReleaseRefs | |
Save | Variant | Save this SpriteDef to a binary (map) file. | [Let] MyVariant = oSpriteDef.Save(nFileNum Integer) |
SolidTest | Boolean | Test whether the layer is solid at the given coordinate, according to the template's solidity definition. | [Let] MyBoolean = oSpriteDef.SolidTest(XPos Long, YPos Long) |
Name | Type | Description | Syntax |
AnimSpeed | Byte | How many frames of a particular image are displayed before switching to the next image. | [Let] MyByte = oSpriteTemplate.AnimSpeed [Let] oSpriteTemplate.AnimSpeed = MyByte |
CollClass | Integer | Each bit (n=0-15) represents whether sprites of this template are a member of collision class #n. | [Let] MyInteger = oSpriteTemplate.CollClass [Let] oSpriteTemplate.CollClass = MyInteger |
ControlType | Enum eControlType | Indicates what controls the motion of this sprite. | [Let] MyeControlType = oSpriteTemplate.ControlType [Let] oSpriteTemplate.ControlType = MyeControlType |
Flags | Integer | Combined bits from eTemplateFlagBits. | [Let] MyInteger = oSpriteTemplate.Flags [Let] oSpriteTemplate.Flags = MyInteger |
GravPow | Byte | Gravity: 0=strong up, 10=none, 20=strong down. | [Let] MyByte = oSpriteTemplate.GravPow [Let] oSpriteTemplate.GravPow = MyByte |
Inertia | Byte | Percent of DX, DY (velocity) retained by a sprite after each frame (0-100) when not accelerating. | [Let] MyByte = oSpriteTemplate.Inertia [Let] oSpriteTemplate.Inertia = MyByte |
JumpHeight | Byte | Speed, in pixels per frame, that the sprite will move when player presses direction against gravity. (Overrides MoveSpeed.) | [Let] MyByte = oSpriteTemplate.JumpHeight [Let] oSpriteTemplate.JumpHeight = MyByte |
MoveSpeed | Byte | Maximum velocity to which this sprite can propel itself in pixels per frame, except for jump height. (That and gravity, etc. can exceed this speed.) | [Let] MyByte = oSpriteTemplate.MoveSpeed [Let] oSpriteTemplate.MoveSpeed = MyByte |
Name | String | Name of this SpriteTemplate as indexed by the map. | [Let] MyString = oSpriteTemplate.Name [Let] oSpriteTemplate.Name = MyString |
SolidInfo | SolidDef | Reference to the SolidDef describing which tile indexes on a sprite's layer it sees as solid. | Set My_SolidDef = oSpriteTemplate.SolidInfo Set oSpriteTemplate.SolidInfo = My_SolidDef |
StateCount | Integer | Set/get the number of sprite states in this template. | [Let] oSpriteTemplate.StateCount = MyInteger [Let] MyInteger = oSpriteTemplate.StateCount |
StateFrame | Integer | Return the tile index for the specified frame of the specified state. | [Let] MyInteger = oSpriteTemplate.StateFrame(State Integer, Frame Integer) |
StateFrameCount | Integer | Return the number of animation frames for the specified sprite state. | [Let] MyInteger = oSpriteTemplate.StateFrameCount(State Integer) |
StateTilesetDef | TileSetDef | Set/get the TileSetDef containing graphics for the specified state's frames. | Set oSpriteTemplate.StateTilesetDef(State Integer) = My_TileSetDef Set My_TileSetDef = oSpriteTemplate.StateTilesetDef(State Integer) |
StateType | Enum eStateType | Indicates the type/number of states this sprite contains from a pre-defined set supported by Sprite.Advance. | [Let] MyeStateType = oSpriteTemplate.StateType [Let] oSpriteTemplate.StateType = MyeStateType |
TargetClass | Integer | For a sprite that follows nearest sprite, specifies the classes (bits 0-15) of sprite to follow. 0=All | [Let] MyInteger = oSpriteTemplate.TargetClass [Let] oSpriteTemplate.TargetClass = MyInteger |
Name | Return | Description | Syntax |
AppendStateFrame | Add a new tile to the animation/image for a particular sprite state. | oSpriteTemplate.AppendStateFrame(State Integer, Frame Integer) | |
ClearState | Erase all frames from a particular sprite state animation/image. | oSpriteTemplate.ClearState(State Integer) | |
Clone | SpriteTemplate | Return a copy of this SpriteTemplate. | Set My_SpriteTemplate = oSpriteTemplate.Clone |
GetIndexes | Integer | Return the index of this template as indexed by the map, and set IndexOfMap to the index of the sprite's map within the project. | [Let] MyInteger = oSpriteTemplate.GetIndexes(IndexOfMap Integer) |
Load | Load a SpriteTemplate from a binary (map) file. | oSpriteTemplate.Load(nFileNum Integer) | |
LoadTiles | Load into display memory all the graphics required to display sprites of this template. | oSpriteTemplate.LoadTiles(Disp IBMDXDisplay3) | |
ReleaseRefs | Release all references this SpriteTemplate has to other objects (to avoid circular reference problems). | oSpriteTemplate.ReleaseRefs | |
Save | Save this SpriteTemplate to a binary (map) file. | oSpriteTemplate.Save(nFileNum Integer) |
Name | Type | Description | Syntax |
AAOn | Boolean | True if Anti-Aliasing is turned on for rotation. | [Let] MyBoolean = oTileEdit.AAOn [Let] oTileEdit.AAOn = MyBoolean |
bGrid | Boolean | True if the grid should be drawn in the magnified view. | [Let] MyBoolean = oTileEdit.bGrid [Let] oTileEdit.bGrid = MyBoolean |
ClipLeft | Long | The left coordinate of where the copied image is drawn. | [Let] MyLong = oTileEdit.ClipLeft [Let] oTileEdit.ClipLeft = MyLong |
ClipTop | Long | The top coordinate of where the copied image is drawn. | [Let] MyLong = oTileEdit.ClipTop [Let] oTileEdit.ClipTop = MyLong |
CurCell | Integer | The index of the currently selected tile in the tileset. | [Let] MyInteger = oTileEdit.CurCell [Let] oTileEdit.CurCell = MyInteger |
CurPalEntry | Integer | The index of the currently selected color in the palette. | [Let] MyInteger = oTileEdit.CurPalEntry [Let] oTileEdit.CurPalEntry = MyInteger |
CurTool | Integer | Number indicating the currently selected drawing tool/mode. | [Let] MyInteger = oTileEdit.CurTool [Let] oTileEdit.CurTool = MyInteger |
Disp | IBMDXDisplay3 | BMDXDisplay object being used by the tile editor if it's active. | Set MyIBMDXDisplay3 = oTileEdit.Disp Set oTileEdit.Disp = MyIBMDXDisplay3 |
EditResolution | Enum Resolution | Determines the screen mode of the tileset editor. | [Let] MyResolution = oTileEdit.EditResolution [Let] oTileEdit.EditResolution = MyResolution |
GridLeft | Integer | The left coordinate of the magnified tile view. | [Let] MyInteger = oTileEdit.GridLeft [Let] oTileEdit.GridLeft = MyInteger |
GridTop | Integer | The top coordinate of the magnified tile view. | [Let] MyInteger = oTileEdit.GridTop [Let] oTileEdit.GridTop = MyInteger |
hDC | Long | The handle to the device context for the display if it is locked. | [Let] MyLong = oTileEdit.hDC [Let] oTileEdit.hDC = MyLong |
HorizontalResolution | Integer | Returns the width of the display in pixels, based on EditResolution. | [Let] MyInteger = oTileEdit.HorizontalResolution |
ImageLeft | Long | The left coordinate of the un-magnified image. | [Let] MyLong = oTileEdit.ImageLeft [Let] oTileEdit.ImageLeft = MyLong |
ImageTop | Long | The top coordinate of the un-magnified image. | [Let] MyLong = oTileEdit.ImageTop [Let] oTileEdit.ImageTop = MyLong |
Magnify | Integer | The magnification level of the grid (linear grid pixels per image pixel). | [Let] MyInteger = oTileEdit.Magnify [Let] oTileEdit.Magnify = MyInteger |
MouseX | Integer | Current mouse X coordinate. | [Let] MyInteger = oTileEdit.MouseX [Let] oTileEdit.MouseX = MyInteger |
MouseY | Integer | Current mouse Y coordinate. | [Let] MyInteger = oTileEdit.MouseY [Let] oTileEdit.MouseY = MyInteger |
PalCellHeight | Integer | Height of a cell in the palette. | [Let] MyInteger = oTileEdit.PalCellHeight [Let] oTileEdit.PalCellHeight = MyInteger |
PalCellWidth | Integer | Width of a cell in the palette. | [Let] MyInteger = oTileEdit.PalCellWidth [Let] oTileEdit.PalCellWidth = MyInteger |
PalCols | Integer | Number of columns in the palette. | [Let] MyInteger = oTileEdit.PalCols [Let] oTileEdit.PalCols = MyInteger |
PalEntry | Long | Set/get the color for a particular entry in the palette. | [Let] MyLong = oTileEdit.PalEntry(Index Integer) [Let] oTileEdit.PalEntry(Index Integer) = MyLong |
PalLeft | Long | Left coordinate of the palette display. | [Let] MyLong = oTileEdit.PalLeft [Let] oTileEdit.PalLeft = MyLong |
PalRows | Integer | Number of rows in the palette display. | [Let] MyInteger = oTileEdit.PalRows [Let] oTileEdit.PalRows = MyInteger |
PalTop | Long | Top coordinate of the palette display. | [Let] MyLong = oTileEdit.PalTop [Let] oTileEdit.PalTop = MyLong |
RotAngle | Integer | Currently selected angle of rotation. | [Let] MyInteger = oTileEdit.RotAngle [Let] oTileEdit.RotAngle = MyInteger |
RotX | Long | X coordinate for the rotated image info. | [Let] MyLong = oTileEdit.RotX [Let] oTileEdit.RotX = MyLong |
RotY | Long | Y coordinate for the rotated image info. | [Let] MyLong = oTileEdit.RotY [Let] oTileEdit.RotY = MyLong |
SecPalEntry | Integer | Index of the currently selected secondary palette color. | [Let] MyInteger = oTileEdit.SecPalEntry [Let] oTileEdit.SecPalEntry = MyInteger |
TilePicture | Picture | Set a new tile image into the grid/editor. | Set oTileEdit.TilePicture = MyPicture |
TileRows | Integer | Number of rows in the tileset being edited. | [Let] MyInteger = oTileEdit.TileRows [Let] oTileEdit.TileRows = MyInteger |
TileSetBitmap | Picture | Return the image of the tileset currently being edited. | Set MyPicture = oTileEdit.TileSetBitmap |
Translucent | Integer | Current translucency setting (0-100). | [Let] MyInteger = oTileEdit.Translucent [Let] oTileEdit.Translucent = MyInteger |
TSViewHeight | Integer | Height if the tileset view window. | [Let] MyInteger = oTileEdit.TSViewHeight [Let] oTileEdit.TSViewHeight = MyInteger |
TSViewLeft | Integer | Left coordinate of the tileset view window. | [Let] MyInteger = oTileEdit.TSViewLeft [Let] oTileEdit.TSViewLeft = MyInteger |
TSViewTop | Integer | Top coordinate of the tileset view window. | [Let] MyInteger = oTileEdit.TSViewTop [Let] oTileEdit.TSViewTop = MyInteger |
TSViewWidth | Integer | Width of the tileset view window. | [Let] MyInteger = oTileEdit.TSViewWidth [Let] oTileEdit.TSViewWidth = MyInteger |
VerticalResolution | Integer | Returns the height of the display in pixels, based on EditResolution. | [Let] MyInteger = oTileEdit.VerticalResolution |
Name | Return | Description | Syntax |
CalcButtons | Calculate appropriate sizes for all the buttons based on their text. | oTileEdit.CalcButtons | |
CalcPix | Boolean | Given an X,Y screen coordinate, translate it into X,Y pixel on the image, return false if not on the image. | [Let] MyBoolean = oTileEdit.CalcPix(X Integer, Y Integer, XPix Integer, YPix Integer) |
CalcRotSize | Calculate the dimensions of the specified rectangle after rotating by the currently selected angle. | oTileEdit.CalcRotSize(Wid Integer, Hgt Integer, RWid Double, RHgt Double) | |
ColorToRGB | Split a color into its RGB components. | oTileEdit.ColorToRGB(Colr Long, R Integer, G Integer, B Integer) | |
ColorToRGBByte | Split a color into its RGB components output as bytes. | oTileEdit.ColorToRGBByte(Colr Long, R Byte, G Byte, B Byte) | |
CopyBuf | Copy a portion of the background buffer onto the foreground buffer of the display, or vice versa. | oTileEdit.CopyBuf(ForeToBack Boolean[, X Integer][, Y Integer][, Width Integer][, Height Integer]) | |
Create | Start the tileset editor creating a new tileset image. | oTileEdit.Create(TileWidth Integer, TileHeight Integer, RowCount Integer, ColCount Integer) | |
DeleteGridBuf | Delete the buffer for temporary storage of the grid's image. | oTileEdit.DeleteGridBuf | |
DrawAll | Draw the entire display. | oTileEdit.DrawAll | |
DrawAngle | Draw the currently selected rotation angle value. | oTileEdit.DrawAngle | |
DrawButton | Draw the specified button in the specified pushed state. | oTileEdit.DrawButton(Index Integer, State Boolean) | |
DrawClip | Draw the copied image (clipboard). | oTileEdit.DrawClip | |
DrawCoord | Draw the values indicating the location of the mouse over the tile image. | oTileEdit.DrawCoord | |
DrawGrid | Draw the grid if it's enabled. | oTileEdit.DrawGrid | |
DrawMagPixel | Draw a magnified pixel at the specified image coordinates. | oTileEdit.DrawMagPixel(XOff Integer, YOff Integer) | |
DrawMouse | Draw the mouse cursor. | oTileEdit.DrawMouse | |
DrawPalette | Draw the color palette. | oTileEdit.DrawPalette | |
DrawRGB | Draw the RGB values of the currently selected color. | oTileEdit.DrawRGB | |
DrawTileset | Draw the tile selection "window" onto the display. | oTileEdit.DrawTileset | |
Edit | Start the tile editor using an existing tileset. | oTileEdit.Edit(EditTiles Picture, TileWidth Integer, TileHeight Integer) | |
FlipClip | Invert the copied/clipboard image horizontally (1) or vertically (2). | oTileEdit.FlipClip(Ax Integer) | |
GridPress | Handle a mouse action on the image. Action may be 1=MouseDown, 2=MouseMove or 3=MouseUp. | oTileEdit.GridPress(X Integer, Y Integer, Action Integer, Button Integer) | |
InitButtons | Create all the buttons in their initial locations with the initial text. | oTileEdit.InitButtons | |
InitPalette | Set up the initial set of colors. | oTileEdit.InitPalette | |
InitScreen | Initialize components of the display that are based on the tileset. | oTileEdit.InitScreen | |
LoadTile | Retrieve a tile from the tileset into the grid/editor. | oTileEdit.LoadTile(Index Integer) | |
MakeBlankTile | Load the grid/editor with an empty tile. | oTileEdit.MakeBlankTile(TileWidth Variant, TileHeight Variant) | |
MakeGridBuf | Create a buffer to temporarily store the image of the grid. | oTileEdit.MakeGridBuf | |
OverPalCell | Integer | Returns the palette index under the mouse, -1 if none. | [Let] MyInteger = oTileEdit.OverPalCell(X Integer, Y Integer) |
Palette16Bit | Force the entries in the palette to be compatible with 16-bit color (so floodfill doesn't dither). | oTileEdit.Palette16Bit | |
PicShift | Shift the pixels in the editor image. | oTileEdit.PicShift(DX Integer, DY Integer) | |
PressThrough | Copy the grid and/or un-magnified image from the back buffer to the front buffer. | oTileEdit.PressThrough([Small Boolean = True][, Mag Boolean = True]) | |
PushUndo | Add the current image to the undo stack. | oTileEdit.PushUndo | |
Redo | Process the Redo button. | oTileEdit.Redo | |
RestoreGrid | Restore the stored image of the grid area. | oTileEdit.RestoreGrid | |
RestoreMouseBack | Restore the graphics behind the mouse pointer. | oTileEdit.RestoreMouseBack | |
RotateClip | Rotate the copied image (clipboard) onto the display. ClipArea: 1=Grid, 2=un-magnified image. | oTileEdit.RotateClip(XDest Long, YDest Long, bErase Boolean, ClipArea Integer[, bMagnify Boolean = False]) | |
SaveMouseBack | Store the graphics behind the mouse pointer. | oTileEdit.SaveMouseBack | |
SaveTile | Store the tile in the editor to the tileset. | oTileEdit.SaveTile(Index Integer) | |
SetClipping | 0=No clipping, 1=Clip to grid, 2=Clip to un-magnified image. | oTileEdit.SetClipping(Area Integer) | |
StoreGrid | Store the magnified (grid) image into the grid buffer. | oTileEdit.StoreGrid | |
TileSetPress | Handle a mouse click on the tileset window (select a tile). | oTileEdit.TileSetPress(X Integer, Y Integer) | |
TriggerButton | Handle the action for a button. | oTileEdit.TriggerButton(Index Integer) | |
Undo | Handle the Undo button | oTileEdit.Undo | |
UpdateCurButton | If the mouse was pressed on a button, draw a pressed button if the mouse is still over it, otherwise draw an up button. | oTileEdit.UpdateCurButton |
Name | Description | Syntax |
OnEditComplete | Fired when the close button is clicked. | Sub oTileEdit_OnEditComplete() |
OnEditInit | Fired after the editor is initialized. | Sub oTileEdit_OnEditInit() |
OnKeyPress | Fired when a key is pressed. | Sub oTileEdit_OnKeyPress(KeyAscii Integer) |
OnMouseDown | Fired when the mouse is pressed. | Sub oTileEdit_OnMouseDown(Button Integer, Shift Integer, X Integer, Y Integer) |
OnMouseMove | Fired when the mouse moves. | Sub oTileEdit_OnMouseMove(Button Integer, Shift Integer, X Integer, Y Integer) |
OnMouseUp | Fired when the mouse is released. | Sub oTileEdit_OnMouseUp(Button Integer, Shift Integer, X Integer, Y Integer) |
Name | Type | Description | Syntax |
RawByte | Byte | Return a byte (0-31) used to store the bits of the tilegroup. | [Let] MyByte = oTileGroup.RawByte(ByteIndex Integer) |
Name | Return | Description | Syntax |
ClearAll | Clear this to an empty TileGroup | oTileGroup.ClearAll | |
ClearMember | Remove a particular member from the group. | oTileGroup.ClearMember(TileIndex Integer) | |
Deserialize | Load a TileGroup from a string as stored in the project file. | oTileGroup.Deserialize(Data String) | |
GetArray | Variant | Return an array of all tile indexes in the TileGroup. | [Let] MyVariant = oTileGroup.GetArray |
GetMember | Integer | Get tile number MemberIndex from the group. | [Let] MyInteger = oTileGroup.GetMember(MemberIndex Integer) |
IsEmpty | Boolean | Return true if there are no members. | [Let] MyBoolean = oTileGroup.IsEmpty |
IsMember | Boolean | Return True if the specified tile index is a member of the TileGroup. | [Let] MyBoolean = oTileGroup.IsMember(TileIndex Integer) |
MergeFrom | Merge the members of another TileGroup into this TileGroup. | oTileGroup.MergeFrom(TG TileGroup) | |
Serialize | String | Store the TileGroup into a string for the Project file. | [Let] MyString = oTileGroup.Serialize |
SetAll | Turns on all bits; make every index from 0 to 255 return True for IsMember. | oTileGroup.SetAll | |
SetMember | Set the specified tile index as a member of this TileGroup. | oTileGroup.SetMember(TileIndex Integer) |
Name | Type | Description | Syntax |
MatchGroup | TileGroup | Return one of the 15 TileGroup objects from the MatchDef, based on index. | Set My_TileGroup = oTileMatch.MatchGroup(GroupIndex Byte) |
Name | Return | Description | Syntax |
ClearMember | Variant | Remove the specified tile from the specified group. | [Let] MyVariant = oTileMatch.ClearMember(GroupIndex Integer, TileIndex Integer) |
Deserialize | Load a TileMatch object from a string. | oTileMatch.Deserialize(Data String) | |
IsMember | Boolean | Return True if the specified tile index is a member of some group in the TileMatch. | [Let] MyBoolean = oTileMatch.IsMember(TileIndex Integer) |
Serialize | String | Store the TileMatch object to a string for the Project file. | [Let] MyString = oTileMatch.Serialize |
SetMember | Variant | Set the specified tile index as a member of the specified group. | [Let] MyVariant = oTileMatch.SetMember(GroupIndex Integer, TileIndex Integer) |
Name | Value |
Name | Type | Description | Syntax |
Image | Picture | The picture of this tileset (if IsLoaded). | Set MyPicture = oTileSetDef.Image Set oTileSetDef.Image = MyPicture |
ImagePath | String | Path to the image file (if saved). | [Let] MyString = oTileSetDef.ImagePath [Let] oTileSetDef.ImagePath = MyString |
IsDirty | Boolean | True if TileSetDef has not been saved since last change. | [Let] MyBoolean = oTileSetDef.IsDirty [Let] oTileSetDef.IsDirty = MyBoolean |
IsLoaded | Boolean | True if the graphics for this TileSetDef are loaded. | [Let] MyBoolean = oTileSetDef.IsLoaded |
LoadedInstance | IBMDXTileSet | If the graphics are loaded into display memory, return the existing BMDXTileset. | Set MyIBMDXTileSet = oTileSetDef.LoadedInstance Set oTileSetDef.LoadedInstance = MyIBMDXTileSet |
Name | String | The name of this TileSetDef as indexed by the project. | [Let] MyString = oTileSetDef.Name [Let] oTileSetDef.Name = MyString |
TileHeight | Integer | Get/set the height of the tiles in this tileset. | [Let] MyInteger = oTileSetDef.TileHeight [Let] oTileSetDef.TileHeight = MyInteger |
TileWidth | Integer | Get/set the width of the tiles in this tileset. | [Let] MyInteger = oTileSetDef.TileWidth [Let] oTileSetDef.TileWidth = MyInteger |
Name | Return | Description | Syntax |
Deserialize | Load a TileSetDef from a string. | oTileSetDef.Deserialize(Data String) | |
GetIndex | Integer | Find the index of this TileSetDef in the Project. | [Let] MyInteger = oTileSetDef.GetIndex |
Load | Load the graphics for this TileSetDef from ImagePath. | oTileSetDef.Load | |
Save | Save the graphics of this TileSetDef to an image file (ImagePath). | oTileSetDef.Save | |
Serialize | String | Store the parameters of this TileSetDef to a string for the project file. | [Let] MyString = oTileSetDef.Serialize |
Unload | Unload the graphics for this tileset from memory. | oTileSetDef.Unload |