Step 5 - Defining Paths and SpritesPaths created in the map editor can be adjusted, renamed or deleted in the Sprites and Paths dialog. Sprites can be attached to these paths and defined in detail. This dialog is used to maintain all the information about how a sprite moves, how it animates, which graphics its composed of and more. Also described in this step of the tutorial are the distinctions between sprites, sprite definitions and sprite templates. |
The Sprites and Paths dialog is yet another item in the View menu of the main Project window. When you bring it up you will see the two paths defined in the map in step 3 of the tutorial.
Before beginning, it will be helpful to understand the differences between a sprite, a sprite definition and a sprite template.
In summary, a sprite template defines a type of sprite (Player, Platform, Slime Monster, Bouncy Ball); a sprite definition defines a place for a sprite based on a template (a platform that travels to the store, a Slime Monster that attacks the player at the entrance to this cave, a Bouncy Ball that follows these stairs); a sprite is a single runtime instance based on a definition (the first of two platforms that travel to the store, the Slime Monster that was created at the entrance to the cave after the first one was destroyed, the Bouncy Ball that happens to currently bouncing off the player).
It's important to understand that the Sprite Definition and the Sprite Template are tied to the map because they are saved in the .MAP file, so it's impossible for sprites on different maps to share Sprite Definitions or Sprite Templates.
So in order to proceed, we need to first create a Sprite Template. All the parameters in the lower half of the Sprites and Paths dialog correspond to the Sprite Template parameters. Starting on the "Frames" tab, let's create a sprite that represents the player.
Select "360°/10°" from the dropdown list in the "States" field. This indicates that our sprite has 36 states corresponding to 10-degree increments of rotation. Leave "Separate states for accelerating and drifting" unchecked -- this would be used if, for instance, our ship had images with fire behind it to indicate thrust when accelerating. This checkbox doubles the number of states and the number of images required to define the template (and step 1 is quite long enough thank-you-very-much). "Correlate animation speed with velocity", "Correlate drift animation speed with velocity" and "Reset to first frame when sprite stops moving" are options that only matter when creating animated sprites. Since the ship sprite will not be animated you can set these however you like, but if you want to use the default values that were implicit before version 1.3, you can check the boxes for the first two and leave the last unchecked.
By default, "Right" is selected in the "Editing sprite state" field. This is the first state and that's what we want selected in order to automatically assign 36 states to the sprite. It would also be possible to assign graphics to each of these states manually, but that's a real pain for 36-state sprites.
Select "Tutorial" from the tileset field. This indicates which tileset contains graphics for the currently selected state of the sprite. Each state can use its own tileset; again this would be a real pain for 36-state sprites, and of course we only have one tileset in the tutorial.
Since our sprite does not animate, the animation speed is irrelavent. If we had multiple frames per state, the animation speed would indicate how fast these frames would cycle. Animation speed actually ends up being a combination of this setting and how fast the sprite is moving, depending on the state of the "Correlate [...]" checkboxes. If the animation represents a walking sprite, for instance, it should not be animating when its standing still.
In the tiles at the right, locate the first image of the ship that starts the sequence of 36 images. It should be pointing to the right. Select this image (click on it) and click the "36-State" button to tranfer this tile and subsequent tiles into the 36 states of this new Sprite Template. This function assumes that all states of the sprite use the same tileset. It appends one frame to the end of each state, starting with the current state and current tile. Then it increments the current state and current tile and repeats 35 times for a total of 36 states. In our case the one and only frame appropriate to each state is being transferred into that state.
Now all the states are defined, it's time to move on to the Motion tab.
To get a list of solidity definitions to assign to the template, select "TutorialPath1" from the "Paths" list. Then select "TutorialSolid" from the "Solid Tiles" dropdown list. From the "Controlled by" field select "Input device". This correlates the movement of the sprite with some form of input, which is obviously what the player sprite should do. Turn the movement speed up to a position just a few clicks from the top. We want the player to move fast enough to maneuver comfortably, but not too fast to be difficult to control. Slide the gravity setting slightly toward the down direction -- this ship will travel in a low gravity environment. Finally turn the inertia all the way up. This is normal for a spaceship type sprite. The inertia should usually be quite near to the top. Setting it below the top would be useful, for instance, for a walking sprite that should not automatically continue to walk in it's current direction forever.
That's the end of the sprite template for now. We don't care about collisions at the moment. Note that the "Up requires solid" checkbox should be unchecked here. This would be used for a sprite that needs to jump off of solid ground. Of course this doesn't apply to a spaceship which pushes against burning rocket fuel (or whatever other force you may want to make up).
Type a name into the "Template" field; let's use "Player". This "Player" template will be created and assigned to the sprite definition as it is created. Also give a name to the Sprite Definition we will be creating by typing "Player1" into the Name box. Check the "Initial Instance" checkbox -- this indicates that one sprite based on this definition should automatically be created when the map starts. Finally Click the "Create Sprite" button and everything is stored into the map.
Figure 1 - The Completed Player Sprite
That takes care of the player sprite. Now we need other sprites with which the player can interact. First we'll create another ship. We can reuse much of the same data in the current template. Click on "TutorialPath2" (our second sprite will start on the other path). Then on the motions tab lets just change a couple settings. First the solid tiles need to be selected again -- select "TutorialSolid". Then switch "Controlled by" to "Follow left wall" and turn the gravity to "None". Now we need names for the new template and the new Definition. Enter "WallShip" into the template field and "WallShip1" into the name field. Make sure "Initial instance" is checked and then create our second sprite with the create button. We now have two sprites using two separate templates.
Let's create one last sprite -- a
platform that the spaceship can ride on.
"TutorialPath2" should still be selected. Back on the
Frames tab, click the Clear All button. Select "Single"
from the "States" dropdown list. Tileset should still
be "Tutorial". Drag the tile representing the top of a
solid area into the "State Preview" box. (That's the
square tile with a white line accross the top: ) This isn't a
great graphic for a platform, but it'll do. Then on the Motion
tab, TutorialSolid should be the selected solidity definition,
switch "Controlled by" to "Follow path
exactly" and slide the movement speed down just below the
center. Gravity should still be "None". Enter
"Platform" as the template name and
"Platform1" as the sprite definition name. Make sure
"Initial instance" is checked and create the sprite.
Now we need to go back and be concerned with collision categories. Something needs to indicate that the "Platform" type of sprite is something that can carry a "Player" type of sprite. Click on the Collisions tab and click on the "Define..." button. You can also reach this screen be selecting "Collision Definitions" from the View menu on the main project window.
"TutorialMap" should be selected as the current map for which collisions are being defined. (Collision definitions are saved with the Map file.) We will define 3 collision classes, and define 2 collisions among them. To create the collision classes (there are actually 16 predefined classes, we simply name them), select "Class 1" from the Collision Class Names box. Type "Player" in place of "Class 1". Similarly change "Class 2" to "Bouncer" and "Class 3" to "Platform".
Now click the "Add New" button to create a collision definition. The "Sprite A Class" should be "Player" and the "Sprite B Class" should be Bouncer. Check the box for "A and B swap velocities (bounce)". If you want to try a new feature with version 1.3 that improves the collision behavior, you can try clicking the "B repels A" button instead. Then click the "Save" button and we now have a collision test that makes "Player" bounce off any "Bouncer". Add another collision test, this time A=Player and B=Platform. Check the box for "A rides on B" and save this. This is the one that causes the platform to act as a platform with respect to the player sprite. The collision tests are defined and now we need to classify the sprites.
Back on the "Sprites and Paths" dialog, select the "Player1" sprite and click "Load Sprite". On the Collisions tab, check the collision category box for "Player" and then click "Update Sprite" (This also updates the template). Similarly, update "WallShip" to be in the "Bouncer" category and "Platform" to be in the "Platform" category.
Those are all the sprites for the tutorial. We've used the two paths defined when creating the map. One path determined the starting point for the player, and the other path determined the starting point for a ship that follows the left wall, as well as the complete route for a moving platform that the player will be able to ride on. In addition we defined two collision tests to perform. The first causes the player and the "WallShip" to bounce off each other when they come into contact, and the second causes the player to ride on the platform when it comes into contact with that.
We've ended up with three distinct sprite templates, each associated with a single definition. Each definition automatically creates one instance of the sprite when the map is started. (The only way for multiple instances to be created using a single definition is through a special function, a collision definition or script code creating another instance.) If you like, you could add another path to the map (adjacent to the wall) and make another sprite that follows the left wall based on the same "WallShip" template, calling the definition "WallShip2".
Now is a good time to save everything again. The sprite definitions went into the map, so the MAP file would be the most important thing to save at this point.
This concludes Step 5 of the GameDev tutorial - Defining Paths and Sprites.